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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 170

Soon after that, at a run-down cemetery near the village, Sue was kneeling morosely in front of a newly-erected tombstone. She was crying her eyes out as Rocky stood by her side, looking discouraged. Had he arrived earlier, he might have been just in time to save Jackson from Matthew and his men.

"Sue, you should leave this place and start your life elsewhere. The money I left to your grandfather last time is enough for you to have a comfortable life," Rocky suggested gently.

"How can I leave this place? It's all I've ever known! What about you? If I leave, they will definitely come after you. And you can't possibly defend yourself once they get their hands on you." Sue stood up and looked at Rocky. She was genuinely worried about him.

"Don't worry. I can take care of myself. I will send Uriah and Rubygon to escort you first. I need to go back to the military camp to do something first. I'll catch up with you later." Rocky rubbed her head tenderly to console her. He then instructed Uriah and Rubygon to protect her before he took off.

"Mr. Bai..." Sue stared at Rocky's departing silhouette, looking deeply concerned. But she soon snapped out of her silent reverie, gathering her things and leaving along with Uriah and Rubygon. She knew that her being here would seriously impede Rocky's plans.

Although Rocky knew that he would get into trouble the second he reached the military camp, he still decided to go as he had a score to settle with Matthew. As he walked into the military camp, covered in blood, he drew looks from soldiers and spirit manipulators all around.

"Could someone please have this murderer locked up?" Someone barked the order furiously at this moment.

Rocky turned and saw four spirit manipulators led by Evan along with a group of soldiers coming his way, surrounding him completely. There was no way out.

"I can't believe that you had the audacity to come back after you killed two spirit manipulators of my squad. I hope that your strength is as big as your balls." Evan stared at him darkly. Clearly, he already knew that Rocky had killed two of his men and wounded Matthew. Although he had no idea how Rocky managed to do that. It had puzzled everyone as to how even Matthew, who was at the sixth grade of the Mortal Stage, was rendered infertile by Rocky. Evan was fuming with what Rocky had done to his men and was determined to make him pay for what he had done. He had never liked Rocky from the beginning and thought that this would truly be the perfect opportunity to destroy him once and for all.

"Why don't you call up Matthew and ask what he has done?" Rocky remained composed and calm.

"You were caught by Matthew and two other spirit manipulators raping poor women and killing innocent villagers. They were just trying to talk you out of hurting innocent people yet you launched sneak attacks against them. Matthew has told me everything. Are you still trying to deny it?" Evan shouted with fury in his voice.

It turned out that Matthew put all the blame on Rocky as part of his plot to frame him. Of course, it was also due to the fact that Evan disliked Rocky all along that he bought Matthew's story without a doubt as he was looking for a chance to get rid of Rocky. This was the reason why he brought this many people in hope of disgracing Rocky and having him detained.

Soldiers and spirit manipulators exchanged a look of shock with each other as they had never thought that Rocky would be capable of such horrible things.

"He is pretty good at making up stories. I'll give him that." Rocky gave a cold smile. He knew from the beginning that Matthew would tell some lies to set him up. But those lies would be put to rest once and for all today.

"You are a military man and yet you just killed your own comrade-in-arm. This is a capital offense and I shall have you executed right now." Evan looked at Rocky with malicious intent, spitting words that reeked with self-righteousness as if Rocky had actually done something wrong.

"Rocky, if you admit to your crime here in front of everyone, I may just spare your life." Evan stared at Rocky. Of course, he did not mean a single word he said. He would kill Rocky nonetheless when the timing was appropriate and he knew for sure that there was no way Rocky would admit to being guilty.


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