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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 178

"Take them away!" Deputy Commander Chen barked, ordering his men to take away the villagers. He then turned to Rocky and sneered maliciously. "What do you have to say for yourself now?"

"I should not have trusted you, Commander. I thought you were above this level." Rocky ignored him, looking right past him and stared straight at Marin. He shook his head with disappointment. It was difficult to swallow that Marin would be fooled into thinking of him as a murderer.

Marin felt a tug at her heart upon hearing Rocky's admonishments. The look in his eyes also made her feel a twinge of guilt, as if she was the one who had done something wrong.

"Commander, we have solid proof now. Let's have Rocky publicly executed to be made an example of!" Deputy Commander Chen turned to Marin and suggested.

"I need to think about how to deal with Rocky first..." Marin murmured, but then Evan interrupted her. He stepped up and saluted, saying, "Commander, if you do not order the execution of Rocky this instant, what would the troops think? That committing such crimes will be met with tolerance?"

"Please, Commander. Have Rocky executed!" The spirit manipulators from the other squads all suggested to Marin.

Very soon all troops, instigated by Evan, seconded this suggestion and shouted for his immediate execution.

Marin grew solemn at this outcry. She had thought that this was going to be easy. Now it appeared that it would have a huge impact on troop's morale. If she postponed her verdict, her command would come off as being unstable. However, for some inexplicable reason, she was not entirely comfortable at having Rocky executed. But the most important matter at the moment for her was to stabilize the morale of the troops. She had to face this hard decision. "Rocky committed the crime of murdering innocent villagers and fellow soldiers, as well as raping a young woman. He has violated multiple military codes in his conduct. Therefore I order his immediate public execution!" Her eyes grew sullen after this announcement.

A laugh broke out right after Marin finished her sentence.

Everyone looked on and saw that it was Rocky who just laughed.

"I am not going to die here. I have something more important to do." Rocky looked around at the crowd and turned as if he was about to leave the military camp.

Marin was both annoyed and shocked at Rocky's disobedience and she ordered, "Stop him!"

Instantly spirit manipulators from other squads led by Evan blocked Rocky's exit while soldiers got in formation and surrounded the entire camp.

Rocky did not even flinch facing almost the entire army of the northeast military camp and his power just surged to the second grade of the Earthly Stage. He looked unruffled, and it was clear that he would not hesitate to kill whoever got in his way. Those soldiers and spirit manipulators were a little intimidated.

"Look, Commander!" Deputy Commander Chen had never expected that Rocky would resist. He turned to Marin for further instruction.

At this moment Marin said nothing as she did not know what to say. Rocky's reaction was completely out of her anticipation. She was at a complete loss.

Deputy Commander Chen suddenly began oozing a murderous intent. He would not let Rocky live for fear of his conspiracy with Evan to be revealed. He jumped forward, summoning his power to surge to the fifth grade of the Earthly Stage. He was moving in for a sneak attack from behind Rocky.

Rocky sensed a strong aura coming from behind. He immediately turned and saw Deputy Commander Chen making a move. Rocky shot him a cold smile and sneered, "Hello, Deputy Commander. You want to tie up your loose ends?" Rocky said, summoning his Nebula Cloud Transformation and went up against him.

At this moment, Evan also took this opportunity and charged towards Rocky in a flash.


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