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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 196

Once he found out that Isis was here too, Flank dared not act like his usual aggressive and intimidating self. Bullying Rocky in front of her could lead to some trouble for him in return. Flank knew for sure that his son was a notorious troublemaker and that Rocky wouldn't beat him up for no reason. Although he came here in a combative manner and was ready to answer blows with blows, he couldn't risk offending Isis. He breathed deeply. Rage still burned in his heart, he just couldn't let it burst out. Making a fuss now was improper and unnecessary, and could lead to his family getting in more trouble than his son had already gotten them into.

At this moment, all the bystanders expected that Rocky had now gotten in a very sticky situation. Without doubt, the Frontline Commander of Crimson Dragon Group did not come here to simply visit the finished auction. It was time for Rocky to reap what he had sown.

No one knew that Flank was carefully weighing the situation in his head and finding himself in an awkward position. He felt as if he was strapped onto a dangerous beast -- afraid to move forward and unable to back down. His palms got clammy especially when he caught a glimpse of Isis, who was staring at him with her analytic eyes. He was racking his brain about what to do when he suddenly came up with a brilliant idea. He reached out his hand and patted on one of Rocky's shoulders.

The moment Flank's palm landed on his shoulder, Rocky became alert. He clenched his fists and readied his spiritual power of second-grade of the Earthly Stage. However, he did not initiate the attack recklessly. He wasn't stupid; he knew that Flank was a fairly strong spirit manipulator. Rocky estimated that he was at least above the eighth-grade of the Earthly Stage. Therefore, he had no chance to win over him in a flight. But that did not mean that he would resign himself to failure if Flank should attack him. Whatever the result, he would always fight with everything he had, down to his last bit of strength.

Noticing an unmatched battle was about to commence, the crowds began to worry about Rocky. After all, Flank was a formidable opponent who would be hard to deal with.

"Hey, my dear brother, thank you indeed for giving my son a good lesson and teaching him to behave himself. My son is a little bit unsophisticated and causes a lot misunderstandings. To be honest, I should shoulder some of the blame! Goodness, while that boy was growing up I was always busy coping with military tasks and allowed him to get spoiled somehow. You did me this favor and I really should thank you. Now let's see if he dares to bully innocent people under my name again. Shame on me indeed! I will lock him up for several days and force him to reflect on this," Flank declared. Confused looks came over the faces of the people around them. This was so unlike Flank!

Even Rocky expected that there would be a fierce fight, yet what Flank said was totally perplexing. He was confused at his words for a short time and then regained his usual composure. He smiled brightly and replied sarcastically, "Commander Zhao, you are such a reasonable person that can make everyone in this country admire you! I agree that your son needs some discipline to refine himself. We all know that proverb, 'A child is better unborn than untaught.' I don't believe that you will ever let your precious son continue on like the ignorant fool that he is. Besides, your son will learn from you, after all, 'like father, like son'. He will grow up to be just like you."

Flank was no fool and he clearly understood Rocky's sarcasm. He frowned, fuming immediately, but restrained himself from losing his temper. He forced a smile to cover up his embarrassment. Nonetheless, a trace of anger still flashed through his eyes. 'Whether my son needs discipline or not is none of your business. How dare you!' he thought. He still carefully controlled his temper and kept his mouth shut. After all, Isis was here. If it were not for her presence, he would slap Rocky in the face without hesitation.

Finally, this matter appeared to have been settled. Hearing Flank's words, Isis could tell that he wouldn't dare stir up a new incident that would be disgraceful for the army. She then went downstairs, followed by her attendants.

Isis's leaving gave Flank much relief. He then turned around and glared at Rocky. He tightened his mouth, lowered his voice and harshly muttered a few words. " I really doubt you would be so lucky next time. You'd better watch out." With this, he quickly retreated with his men. He had showed the white feather to the young man in front of so many people. The longer he stayed here, the more humiliated he was.

To Rocky, Flank's words were so weird and illogical. Paired with his sudden and dejected exit, Rocky couldn't help but wonder, 'What's the problem with him? Is he insane?' Then he remembered that Flank was so astonished and frightened when he caught sight of the veiled woman. She must be an important figure that was enough to scare him into playing nice! However, he didn't go deep into this interlude and quickly let it go. He was now in a good mood and was greatly pleased by the big fortune he made. He left the store of Super Beast Farm and decided to visit Sue at the base camp. He wanted to know how she had been recently.

The base camp of Crimson Dragon Group was situated at the southernmost end of the Evian City. This camp covered a large area, so expansive that its borders extended past the horizon. There were various large buildings arranged in picturesque disorder. The whole camp looked magnificent and formidable.

As Rocky stood alone in front of the gate of the Crimson Dragon Group camp, he can't help marveling at it. It was as thick as city wall and looked virtually impenetrable. It looked much more like an impregnable fortress rather than a camp.


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