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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 198

After Sue left, Rocky wandered around the first floor of Isis's residence. It was rather spacious but without much decoration, which was a little dull. The walls were plain with only few frames hanging on them. The whole area was minimalist, with very few designs done to the place. He then headed for the second floor. Contrary to the first floor, the scene looked quite dreamy on the second floor.

There was a bed there and it was skillfully crafted using shiny white jades. The white jade glistened in the room as if it was trying to allure him. It was oozing cold air.

This was the first time that Rocky saw anything like this. Opening the gauze curtain, he approached and made it all the way in front of the bed. He touched the bed. It was soft and silky as if it was made of clouds. What was notable was that the bed felt like it was freezing along with strands of spiritual aura.

"This bed should be able to help with one's cultivation." On that thought, Rocky sat on it and held his breath. He felt instantly that there were strands of spiritual aura seeping into him, facilitating the circulation of his own spiritual aura in the body. He felt optimized, because his environment worked well with his cultivation.

"This is good. This jade bed plus the magical saliva is a great combination that's going to improve my strength greatly." Rocky told himself out loud. He felt a little jealous of the owner of this jade bed. The owner must have cultivated in an efficient manner and at the optimum level.

Just then, Rocky heard some movements on the first floor and then the footsteps slowly moved upstairs. It was steady and soft and it definitely came from any other ordinary person but Sue.

'Did Isis just come back?' Rocky thought to himself and hopped off the jade bed. He didn't want to get caught using a bed that wasn't his. If Isis saw him here, he would be questioned, and not only would he be in trouble, it could also jeopardized Sue's status.

Rocky naturally did not want to put Sue in a difficult position so he looked around to find an exit or a place to hide. He saw a door on the left of the jade bed and walked towards it carefully. He planned to hide in there for a while and then leave after Isis left.

When he opened the door, he realized it led to an enormous wardrobe. It was a storage to a lot of beautiful clothes with different styles and of different materials. It seemed that Isis was someone who loved to dress up.

'I wonder if she's pretty enough for these clothes?' Rocky thought to himself. He went inside the closet and closed the door carefully so that he would make no noise. He peered through the gap to see what was going on outside.


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