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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 203

"Uriah, are you really hurt badly on the inside?" Rocky asked with concern. He remembered the time when they had gone to capture the two Dark Heaven Insects at Carcass Valley. At that time, in order to protect little Rubygon, Uriah had to withstand a huge attack launched by the Dark Heaven Insect at the second grade of the three-star level. After the fight, it didn't seem like there was anything seriously wrong with Uriah. He had still fed it with some magical saliva. Due to its strong body, Uriah could recover quickly even if it got seriously injured.

"It is suffering due to the recurrence of an old injury," Sheridan revealed.

"An old injury?" Rocky's eyes widened in shock. He thought glumly, 'Was this old injury caused when Uriah fought with the spirit-manipulated beast of the Heavenly Stage at the Witch Palace? After that fight, Uriah was indeed hurt seriously. If any other spirit-manipulated beast had been hurt like that, it might have died soon after. Only beasts like Uriah could survive after experiencing an intense fight like that.' Uriah had recovered soon after that. So, Rocky had assumed that nothing went wrong. But now, the old injury was causing trouble for Uriah.

"You should have paid close attention to it. I don't have to tell you this. You know what a spirit-manipulated beast means to a spirit manipulator," Sheridan said with a frown.

Rocky felt really annoyed, but he couldn't say a word in return. It was his negligence that had led to a recurrence of Uriah's old injury. There was no way that he could have known that there were injuries that couldn't be cured by magical saliva.

The truth was that no matter how effective the magical saliva was, it still couldn't compare to the real magical saliva that could resurrect the dead. Also, Uriah was only a beast at the second grade of the three-star level. Hence, the magical saliva created by it had limited effects. But Rocky knew nothing about this.

"Can it be cured?" Rocky asked with concern in his eyes.

"It's not easy. If we had identified this wound earlier, it could have been cured easily, without a trace. But we are only seeing this now. Adding new injury to the old one has made the situation even worse. If your spirit-manipulated beast didn't have a good physique, I can't even imagine what situation it would have been in now.' Sheridan's countenance became severe.

"Do whatever you must. Please save it," Rocky said in a low whisper. Uriah had always accompanied him everywhere he went and never abandoned him. So, Uriah was very important to him. Without it, he wouldn't have been alive today. They shared a deep bond. To Rocky, Uriah was not just a spirit-manipulated beast; it was his only family and his best friend.

"There is a treatment. But it's a little dangerous… Do you know about Spirit Possession?" Sheridan inquired.

"Spirit Possession?" Rocky repeated. He had heard of it. He had also witnessed the Spirit Possession adopted by Tasha, a beautiful genius from the Magic Phoenix Empire when he had contested against her at the Dragon Birth Festival of the Holy Dragon Empire.

"Spirit Possession is a secret technique that combines a spirit-manipulated beast with the body of the spirit manipulator and thus becomes a single being. As is known by most people, Spirit Possession is extremely dangerous, although your power would be dramatically increased after becoming one with your beast. However, if you don't have sufficient power to control and curb the power of the spirit-manipulated beast, trying to acquire this kind of technique would be like welcoming death with an embrace. This isn't known to many, but the Spirit Possession technique isn't created by a spirit manipulator. It is the work of a beast evaluator, well-versed in veterinary medicine. In the beginning, this technique was used to cure the diseases of the spirit-manipulated beasts by exerting spiritual power on it. But later, spirit manipulators adapted this technique, and called it Spirit Possession to blend their power with that of a spirit-manipulated beast," Sheridan explained.

"Are you saying that I have to use Spirit Possession to cure Uriah?" Rocky asked.

"That's right. You're not too dumb after all! After you and your spirit-manipulated beast become one entity, you could perceive where the injury of the beast is, and then cure it using your spiritual power," Sheridan said, nodding every now and then.

"Well, how do I reach the state of Spirit Possession?" Rocky enquired.

"Once you feel connected to your spirit-manipulated beast, that is, when you feel that you are one with your beast, and if you and your beast trust each other, there is a chance for you to achieve that state. I can teach you the mental method of Spirit Possession. Of course, I can only teach you how it's done, but whether you can do it or not depends entirely on you. An ordinary spirit manipulator cannot easily reach the state of Spirit Possession. Generally, only a spirit manipulator with the power of the spiritual race can achieve it. That is, only royal spirit manipulators can reach the state in the Holy Dragon Empire. In-born gift and aptitude are required to learn Spirit Possession. As far as I know, very few ordinary spirit manipulators have reached the state," Sheridan explained.

"And you should also remember that the first time you reach the state of Spirit Possession will be the most dangerous moment. If the spirit-manipulated beast declines to combine with you, it will lead to serious consequences. Especially now, since your beast is injured, it is not a good time for you to carry out Spirit Possession with it. If something even slightly goes wrong, both of you will lose your lives. Do you really want to learn Spirit Possession to save your spirit-manipulated beast, despite the threat to your life?" Sheridan stared at Rocky with his cloudy eyes.

"Threat to my life?" Rocky sneered. He had done crazier, more dangerous things so far in his life. This was just a piece of cake for him. He wasn't scared of anything, as long as Uriah could be cured.


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