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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 208

With Sheridan's long but precise lectures, Rocky was made aware that his way of nourishing Uriah and Little Rubygon had its shortcomings. Though he fed them based on the ideas in the modern world and followed the rules and regulations to the letter, he knew that he could do so much better than that. There was nothing to blame but his lack of experience with spirit-manipulated beasts. He only had few encounters with them; therefore, there was still so much to know on how to properly nourish and nurture a spirit-manipulated beast.

He remembered Uriah's bizarre growth during its final cub stage. But it happened by accident – or by fate as what Rocky would want to believe. When Uriah had eaten a yellow spiritual crystal by mistake, Rocky thought it would die. Everything went blur for Rocky at that moment. However, to his surprise, something unexpected happened instead – Uriah instantly reached the adult age as a spirit-manipulated beast at the second grade of the three-stars. Uriah made a ground-breaking development for a spirit-manipulated beast by skipping many stages of growth. Rocky knew that he couldn't have done it on his own. Without the yellow spiritual crystal, he wouldn't be able to raise Uriah and make it grow with such formidable power.

'I am just lucky that Sheridan took me in as an apprentice. Otherwise, my experiment will all be in vain, ' Rocky thought to himself. He knew that all of this was because Sheridan took him under his wings. Meanwhile, Little Rubygon's growth was exponentially fast compared to others – all thanks to the magical saliva. According to the classification of the Beast Taming Skill, Little Rubygon was now at the medium stage as a cub. Rocky couldn't be any happier seeing his spiritual-manipulated beasts outgrow others. However, he was somehow worried about Little Rubygon. If he continued feeding it with the magical saliva, Little Rubygon would reach its adulthood in no time and it would be difficult for Rocky to tame it. If that happened, everything that Rocky had worked hard for would be just for nothing.

Unlike Uriah, Little Rubygon had not yet established a contract of the spiritual power with Rocky. Time was ticking away, and Rocky could not afford to lose a second. He had to finish the experiment, take control of Little Rubygon, and make it obedient to him before it reached adulthood. If Little Rubygon reached adulthood before Rocky could realize the effect of his experiment, everything would be a waste. All his previous works and effort would only be meaningless. There was no other way…

'Maybe I should stop feeding Little Rubygon the magical saliva, ' Rocky concluded. It was the only way he could think of to slow down Little Rubygon's growth.

Besides, Sheridan also mentioned that the feeding practices had a significant effect on the development of a fully-grown spirit-manipulated beast, also known as the enhancement of the star level. It was said that the promotion of the star level could only be realized when a spirit-manipulated beast reached certain basic standards. Unless the spirit-manipulated beast met all these basic standards, it couldn't elevate its star level. The beast tamer played a significant role in this process. However, throughout the Wild Spirit Land, only a few spirit manipulators knew about this. Most of them thought that the power of the spirit-manipulated beast relied on its master. Hence, they tended to focus on making themselves powerful first instead of enhancing their spirit-manipulated beasts.

There was also a theory that when two spirit manipulators of the same power competed with their spirit-manipulated beasts of the same power and star level, the two spirit-manipulated beasts should be matched in terms of strength. Therefore, the competition should be a draw. However, the fact was, the spirit-manipulated beast with a better physique and foundation would win. For spirit-manipulated beasts – they might be in the same level, but their power could be different from one another. This was obvious for wild spirit-manipulated beasts. Even though they were in the same level, their powers were diverse since they lived in different environments. The environment had a strong influence on the development of a spirit-manipulated beast. It was the environment they grew in that nourished them – the food they ate, the ambiance they grew in, and so on.

Aside from the environment, age also had a significant effect on developing the power of a spirit-manipulated beast. Generally, the older a spirit-manipulated beast was, the greater its advantages would be over a younger one. But now it wasn't always the case especially after artificial rearing came into being. A remarkable beast tamer could wipe out that age advantage and make the younger one more powerful than the other.

All of Sheridan's long teaching and explanation helped bridge Rocky's experience and knowledge gap with spirit-manipulated beasts. Gradually, Rocky would be able to combine the ideas from the modern world with the practical experience; thus, a brand-new Beast Taming Skill would be born.

Normally, establishing a new system of Beast Taming Skill would take time. It was not something that could be done overnight. However, if Rocky could comprehend Sheridan's Beast Taming Skill thoroughly, he could establish a new Beast Taming Skill in no time.

In the blink of an eye, it was already noon. How time flew by so fast when one was having fun!

"Do you remember what I said?" Sheridan asked as he turned back to look at Rocky.

The sound of Sheridan's voice suddenly awakened Rocky from his deep thoughts. He stretched his arms and yawned, pretending to be bored by Sheridan's words. But deep down, he had already achieved mastery through a comprehensive study of it. He replied, "Are we done here? Can I leave now?"

"You brat! Don't waste my time! Do you understand it? If not, I can repeat the lesson!" Sheridan said, staring disappointedly at Rocky.

"Nah! If you continue, I'm afraid you won't stop till midnight. Let's save it for tomorrow, shall we?" Rocky waved his hand as he dismissed Sheridan's offer, and then he turned away.

"Oh yeah? Well, tomorrow, you're in for a treat! I'll tell you something you'll be truly interested in! Better be ready for it, boy!" Sheridan told Rocky with certainty as the latter was leaving. He couldn't believe that after all the things he taught Rocky, the latter would still make a fool out of him. It never occurred to him that Rocky would easily change his cynical attitude.


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