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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 210

Rocky had just completed his theoretical research for the day about the spirit-manipulated beasts in the abandoned house. He sat back in his chair to relax then stretched his body. His bones cracked a little and he felt relieved. He figured that he must have been too consumed by the research. With nothing else to do for the day, he went out of the house. He was welcomed by the sight of Uriah and Rubygon happily playing at the center of the Ghost Village, and a gentle smile crossed his face. He could not remember the last time he saw his two spirit-manipulated beasts playing like children. As he watched them play, he could not help but wonder at how strong and big Rubygon had grown. It seemed just yesterday when Rubygon was like a tiny cub. Now, it had grown into the size of a big wolf dog.

Uriah felt Rocky's presence as soon as he emerged from the door. It abruptly stopped playing and dashed towards its master. Uriah obediently sat in front of Rocky and howled twice to him. Rubygon followed suit and walked towards Rocky. But before settling down like Uriah, it ran around Rocky twice. After this, Rubygon finally returned to Uriah's side. Somehow, Rocky felt as if Rubygon was annoyed at him because he didn't spend time playing with them.

For the past two months, Rocky had been working on a brain nerve stimulation on Rubygon. However, it seemed that the simulation was not effective because he could not see any changes in Rubygon's mental growth. Unlike Uriah, Rubygon was still like a young beast—naughty and naive. Now, only Uriah could pacify the child-like Rubygon.

"I have to leave for a while. Both of you stay here and don't run around. Understood?" Rocky said. Although the message was for both of his spirit-manipulated beasts, he looked directly at Uriah as he was speaking. Rocky knew that only Uriah would listen and adhere to his command. He also knew that Uriah would take care of Rubygon while he was away. He left Uriah and Rubygon for a while, went to the abandoned house next door, and pulled out two large baskets from the house. The baskets were full of different materials that he collected from the wild spirit-manipulated beasts. There were also other rare things that he got in the past two months while he was capturing more Dark Heaven Insects.

Rocky then carried the two large baskets towards the stable of the Ghost Village where his carriage was located. He put down the baskets on a side and pulled out the carriage from the stable. He then put the large baskets into it. Before leaving, he gave Uriah and Rubygon one more look, and when he was sure that they were staying put, he finally drove out of the Ghost Village.

When Rocky bought the carriage two months ago, he didn't know where he could use it and initially thought it was a waste of money. But now, he realized that buying the carriage was a wise decision. The three Dark Heaven Insects he was secretly breeding had an unquenchable appetite and their favorite food was fertile soil. They normally consumed a large amount of soil in a day. Pretty soon, the fertile soil around the Ghost Village had been completely consumed. He needed to go to farther lands to dig for more. And that was where the carriage came in handy. He could easily and quickly travel back and forth. If not for the carriage, it would have taken him a lot of time and effort to take care of the Dark Heaven Insects. He could not imagine what would happen if he had raised a few more Dark Heaven Insects. The vast fertile soil of the entire northeast military camp might be consumed in no time.

Rocky finally reached Evian City and went straight to the branch store of the Super Beast Farm. When he arrived, he was warmly welcomed by some staff. He wasn't interested in buying anything because his main objective was to see Shawn, the boss of the branch store.

"Please tell your boss that Mr. Bai is here," Rocky said directly to the store staff.

"Mr. Bai? Oh! You must be Mr. Bai that our boss has mentioned to us…" a staff exclaimed. They couldn't forget Rocky's name since their boss would never stop mentioning it. Shawn even ordered them to serve Rocky well whenever the latter would visit the store.

One of them hastily went to look for their boss while others hurriedly took care of Rocky. They offered him a seat and served him a hot cup of tea. They treated him so politely like he was a VIP guest.

Not for long, loud footsteps could be heard climbing down the stairs. Shawn soon emerged to the lobby of the store and frantically looked around. When he spotted Rocky in one of the corners, he immediately rushed to him with arms wide open and eyes sparkling with joy and excitement. He hugged him like a son he had not seen for long and said, "Mr. Bai, it's been so long! How are you? I missed you so much!" Rocky felt a little awkward but didn't want to embarrass Shawn, so he just let him be.

After the unnecessary exchange of pleasantries, they both sat to enjoy their hot cup of tea. Rocky didn't waste any more time and said directly, "I have two large baskets sitting on my carriage outside. I need some of your staff to bring those in."

Shawn's eyes lit up as he heard about the two baskets. He knew that Rocky had brought him yet another treasure. So, without further ado, he hurriedly called a few of his staff and ordered them to bring the large baskets in.

A few minutes later, the staff came back with the baskets in their hands. When Shawn saw the two big baskets full of good stuff, his eyes widened, and his jaw dropped in surprise. He could not believe the treasures that Rocky had brought to his store.

"So Mr. Huang, where are the things I asked you to make for me?" Rocky asked lightly as he looked at Shawn's surprised face.

"Ah! Mr. Bai, you've come at the right time! I already have the things you ordered two days ago. However, I didn't know how to tell you and I'm worried you might have forgotten about them. But it seems that fate had its way of telling you!" Shawn answered enthusiastically with his hand cupped. He then ordered one of his staff to fetch the ten surgical tools that Rocky had ordered.

The staff brought the order in as Shawn instructed. It was wrapped in layers of fine leather. The staff then carefully handed it to the guest. Rocky's eyes glimmered in excitement and he could feel his heartbeat from his chest. His eyes were focused on the item on his hand that everything around him seemed to disappear. When he unwrapped the leather, he found the surgical tools neatly placed inside the leather and arranged by size and length.

He took them out one by one and carefully checked the quality. They were all made according to his specifications. He also noted the exquisite workmanship and he could tell that the surgical tools were at par with those made by modern craftsmanship. He looked at Shawn and nodded, "I'm impressed! They are all good!" He put each surgical tool back inside the leather and re-wrapped it. He then turned to Shawn and asked, "So, how much do I owe you?"


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