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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 237

Disappointment and shock were evident in the faces of the three ghastly pale Commanders of the White Army at the awful sight of their severely injured vanguard. The devastating fate was effortlessly done by the Black Army without losing any of their soldiers. The White Army had to retract their vanguard to plan a better strategy for a counterattack.

After a thorough discussion, they prepared in combat forming a strategic array to fight the Black Army. Though they were confident and determined, they were still bewildered what made the Black Army invulnerable in the battle.

Considering the capabilities of the three Commanders, they could only do the most ordinary and simplest arrays. As a matter of fact, those were not arrays at all. Though they were not good at using arrays, giving up was not appropriate. Least of all did they want their opponents win the final battle. The Black Army had seven army flags standing in their array. With only five flags on the other side, even a draw was far-fetched.

Given the difficult circumstance, the White Army must break the solidarity of the weird array to disperse the Black Army. This was the only way the White Army could have an opportunity to use their superior military strength and defeat the Black Army with full advantage.

With this goal in mind, the three Commanders led their respective troops to form an array for attack. They carefully moved towards the Eight Heaven Locks Array. Driven by a burning passion, they forwarded with eagerness to break through it. As agreed by the three Commanders, the successful troop would obtain all the army flags of the Black Army and Dark Heaven Eggs.

When both arrays were formed on both sides, the intense battle commenced.

The crowd on the grandstand were astounded at the effective defense of the Black Army's weird array despite being outnumbered by the White Army.

Isis gasped in astonishment, "Oh, what array is this?" Still stunned by the performance she said to herself, "I've never seen that before in any of the books I've read about tactics." The array was an unconventional combination of attack and defense, detailed in an airtight and organized manner. It was amazing indeed. Isis released an inaudible sigh at the impressive scene on the training ground. Her accumulated knowledge from extensive reading of military books since childhood made her well-versed on the study of arrays. Her eyes widened upon witnessing the unique performance. She never encountered such a weird array in the books she read. The exceptional array was flawless. Isis could not see a way to penetrate it. It was almost perfectly done and unbreakable.

The array was unquestionably impressive but Isis was more interested to know the man behind the great invention. There were two Commanders of the Black Army, the battle-scarred veteran Commander Cao and an inexperienced neophyte named Rocky. Given the intricate details of the array, she would not wonder if it was a genius work of Commander Cao. However, from what she knew of Commander Cao, he wouldn't take such a risky defense with an array. She couldn't fathom nor easily accept the fact that this weird yet spectacular move was Rocky's idea. While it may be true that Rocky was excellent in tactics, he didn't have extensive leadership experience. Should the intricacy be destroyed or any glitch be spotted in the array, the opponent would make sure the loophole would be used to their full advantage. With this in mind, Isis convinced herself that the excellent array was more likely formed by Commander Cao rather than Rocky.

Her mind couldn't be at peace as her biased conclusion did not agree with her guts. She knew deep inside that it was Rocky's great idea. She just couldn't accept it.

A familiar voice came from a distance, "How is the Army Flag Contest?" Curiosity and excitement resounded in his tone. The man resembling a dignified figure was among the crowd who was so engrossed in watching the fierce battle in the training ground. His arrival at the platform shocked the people around him with his strong aura at the Divine Stage. Everyone was drawn back from their thoughts and turned to look at him in awe.

His momentum was so strong that it seemed to be able to shroud an area all around. It seemed as if his appearance could throw everything into the shade.

When the crowd heard the powerful voice, it stole their attention. They turned to him and paid respect. They shouted in unison with vigor, "Commander in Chief!"

The respectable man was Lance Liu, the esteemed Commander in Chief of the Crimson Dragon Group. He projected a reserved and veracious demeanor. For Isis, however, he was a strict yet softhearted father.

Lance was tall and slender with bony features. He was delicate with refined temperament making him look way much younger than his age of seventy. He must have been a very good-looking man in his prime. It was hard to believe that a learned and refined man like him was the Commander in Chief of the Crimson Dragon Group. Nonetheless, his presence effortlessly influenced other people's spirit. After all, he earned respect and carried an aura of a Commander in Chief who led a big army. However, the momentum released from his body put people under great pressure. With no need for flaring up, his dignity made other people revere. Specifically, this was the imposing manner exclusive to a Commander in Chief who was the leader of a big army.

"Father, what brought you here?" Isis asked wearing a gentle smile as she saw his father.


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