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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 257

After adjusting his position in the air, Rocky gently landed on the ground. He looked up and saw a listless figure lying between several stone pillars in the dim light. Squinting to see it a little clearer, Rocky was startled as soon as he realized what it was. The figure was the four-star Demonic Devouring Boa.

As he observed it, Rocky noticed that the beast seemed very exhausted. Perhaps it was because he had destroyed its psychic system which was used to draw spiritual power. Rocky had also absorbed all of the Demonic Devouring Boa's spiritual power, which explained why it was drained to the almost lifeless form that it was now.

Despite this possible advantage, Rocky still did not dare to mess with the Demonic Devouring Boa anymore. After all, he had barely escaped it just now, and he didn't want to risk fighting it again. At once, he sprang to the mouth of the cave in which he had entered. The stone pillars aided his escape, and with the strength he had gained at that moment, he was able to jump out swiftly.

After emerging from the cave, Rocky descended the cliff, expecting to see the Rainbow Glow Unicorn. But it was long gone.

"That Rainbow Glow Unicorn just left and abandoned me during that emergency? It is so heartless! However, although this unicorn almost cost me my life, it is a blessing in disguise that I have upgraded my strength in two levels. Aside from that, I also got three treasures. Judging from what I have gained now, actually, I got a lot of benefits from this experience!" Not only was Rocky able to avoid death, but he had also gained so many valuable things. Blessings in disguise, as he called them. If other spiritual manipulators were to hear about this, they might not even be able to imagine the terrible things he had to go through. They would think he was extremely lucky to still be alive. When he recalled all that had happened, he felt like his memories were mere dreams.

Sometimes luck was the only thing that really mattered!

"However, a monk may run away, but the temple remains. I believe you will come back for me," Rocky said with a determined face. He turned around and headed back to the military camp. He had no time to lose. It had been a few days since he disappeared, and some people must be worried.

Sure enough, as soon as he returned to the beast farm of the military camp, Rocky saw Sheridan walking back and forth just outside the farm, looking around from time to time as if he were waiting for someone. As soon as he saw Rocky appear, Sheridan ran toward him and exclaimed excitedly, "Boy, where the hell have you been? How could you be so elusive for days?"

Rocky had been missing for a couple of days, and Sheridan had really freaked out about it. Were it not for the lessons in the past, Sheridan might have already been looking for him all over the northeast military camp.

"Don't even mention that. I almost couldn't come back! How is Verdanim doing?" Rocky asked as he walked towards Verdanim's stable. Just as he entered it, he found Marin lying on Verdanim's body as if she was dozing off.

"Verdanim has been having a decent recovery. But its leg injury is still very worrying." Sheridan didn't know that Rocky had actually done a surgery on Verdanim's left leg too. If its left leg bone healed and everything went well, Verdanim would be as strong as it was before.

"Does she come by often these days?" Rocky asked, referring to Marin's sleeping figure. He realized that when Marin wasn't scowling or poker faced, she didn't look half as bad. In fact, she looked very feminine.

"Yes, she does come by often. But I didn't tell her about your disappearance. If she knew, knowing her personality, you'd be in big trouble!" Sheridan replied. He had known better this time.

Rocky didn't say anything in return. Marin's presence made it inconvenient for him to examine Verdanim, so he decided to come back later.

Just as Rocky was about to leave, Marin suddenly woke up. As she took in her surroundings, she was surprised to see Rocky standing beside Sheridan.

When Rocky saw that Marin had woken up, he said with a playful smile, "I was thinking of setting up a table by the door to sell tickets to people who want to visit! I'm sure many would be interested to see Commander Marin's sleeping face."

"You..." Marin became flustered as Rocky's words sunk in. It meant that Rocky must have seen her sleeping, and she blushed. She glared at Rocky with a hint of embarrassment evident on her face.

"I'll take my leave," Rocky told Sheridan. He took a final look at Marin and turned around, ready to walk away.

"Wait, Rocky, I have something to tell you!" Marin quickly called out after recovering from her embarrassment.


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