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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 259

Rocky waited for a few minutes but the door remained closed. He then decided to leave. Rocky turned to leave but was surprised when the door suddenly opened without warning. Marin stood there in the doorway. She wore a purple, gauzy, loose dress. Her cheeks blushed in deep red. She looked just as amazing when Rocky met her for the first time.

Marin appeared more bewitching when they first met while she looked more alluring as she stood in that doorway. She looked different on those two instances although each had its own particular attractive appeal.

'If Marin spends more time on looking her best, countless men will throw themselves at her feet. It is a pity that she prefers to always look serious, wearing heavy armor. No one can see past her armor and see her true beauty!' Rocky commented in heart after looking Marin up and down.

"Come in," Marin said. She raised her head and found Rocky staring at her. Her face blushed in an instant. She quickly stepped aside to let Rocky enter her room.

Rocky walked into the room without hesitation.

Marin closed the door and hastily pulled down all the curtains. She was worried that others would see Rocky go into her room so late at night. She didn't want any rumor of their meeting to go around. Marin's feminine sensibility was unwilling to hear any rumor about her and Rocky because it could do great harm to her reputation.

Rocky looked around as he entered Marin's room. It was an old room yet neat and clean. It was decorated in a style that accentuated efficiency and simplicity. Rocky then noticed a light fragrance of orchids that filled the room.

Marin had an embarrassed and uneasy expression. It was the first time that she was in the same room with a man at night. Even during daytime, no one was allowed to enter her room, more especially a man.

"Are you ready? I want to see your dance..." Rocky said as he suppressed a light laughter at the sight of Marin's uneasy look.

Marin gently bit her pink lips at the sound of Rocky's words. She stared briefly at Rocky and said, "Could you make a different request?"

"Well. How about you sing to me?" Rocky said smiling.

Rocky's words made Marin pout and she felt a little irritated. However, she quickly realized that she did give Rocky her word. She had to do what Rocky asked.

"To be honest, I'm not good at singing nor at dancing,"

Marin said. She gave great importance to her reputation and how people regarded her. However, for Marin who was determined to be a soldier since childhood, singing and dancing were both activities that she never bothered to learn because it would not help advance her objective of being a soldier.


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