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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 26

Rocky soon noticed that the woman in purple robes was injured. She had bloodstains on the corners of her mouth. He could not tell if she was alive so he tried to softly pat her on the shoulder.

The woman in purple robes suddenly opened her eyes. She looked at Rocky so coldly that he felt a chill crawl up his spine.

"A-are you alright?" Rocky wanted to talk to the woman in purple robes, but she didn't seem to notice him as she murmured to herself, "I didn't expect her to find me so soon." She then burst out an overwhelming energy with a dazzling light that was so strong that it knocked Rocky down to his knees.

'She is so powerful. Not just powerful, too powerful!' Rocky was caught off guard by the strong power of the beautiful woman in the purple robes. He stood up and looked at her once again, the girl then jumped in the air and flew away in lightning speed.

Rocky was still frozen by astonishment. It took him a few minutes to calm down. He then immediately looked at Uriah and said with a forced smile, "Uriah, I didn't know you would like this kind of woman, an extremely powerful one. Weren't you afraid that she could've killed you? Who on earth was she?"

All of a sudden, Rocky heard rumbles from not too far from them. There was a faint light shining in the woods. It looked like something was about to be torn apart. Rocky hesitated whether he should leave the place immediately in case he was about to get into some trouble. He knew it was something that could put them in danger based on the astonishing power that the woman in purple robes displayed earlier.

As Rocky was getting ready to turn around and return to the city with Uriah in his arms, he suddenly felt an intense heat burning on his left arm. He pulled up his sleeve and saw that his Dragon Spirit Mark was twinkling for unknown reasons.

Meanwhile, he sensed a strong power arising from the direction where the woman went.

"Well. We could probably go and take a look. It shouldn't be that dangerous." Rocky couldn't help but head to where the woman in purple robes might be because he was so curious about what was happening. It must be second nature to scientists. He thought to himself while walking, 'I wonder whether I could have the chance to make her my master? She was so powerful. If she agrees to become my master, I will definitely grow stronger under her guidance rather than being constantly tortured by Mia.'

A few moments later, Rocky arrived in front of what seemed to be a gap in the air that emitted a colorful light. The vibrations caused by the strong power were coming from inside the gap.

"What in the world is this?" Rocky instinctively touched the gap without thinking.

In an instant, Rocky was sucked into the gap by a strange force. He felt like his soul has left his body for a second. He then saw astonishing scenery the moment he regained control.


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