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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 265

"How many are they? How could it be? Which military camp could send reinforcements so fast?" astonished, the Timber Deity Empire's Commander said.

"Sir, they are not reinforcements. They are wild spirit-manipulated beasts. And they are rushing towards this military camp," the spirit manipulator explained promptly.

Hearing that, the Timber Deity Empire's Commander looked at him with displeasure in his eyes, but at the same time, he was relieved to get the report. He knew that once reinforcements to the northern sky military camp came, their plan to capture this camp would become impossible.

Meanwhile, the troops of the northern sky military camp became dispirited on learning that no support was arriving for them.

"Wait! You said that many wild spirit-manipulated beasts were charging towards us. How many, exactly?" the Timber Deity Empire's Commander questioned closely, for he felt that something was wrong.

"At least thirty," the spirit manipulator replied.

"Thirty, did you say?" The Timber Deity Empire's Commander was startled. He was aware that if thirty wild spirit-manipulated beasts arrived there, the northern sky military camp would get the upper hand.

"Some of you, go in the direction from which they are coming and drive them away," the Timber Deity Empire's Commander ordered his group of soldiers, after careful thought.

On hearing his command, a large contingent of troops rushed to the west of the military camp, to repel the thirty spirit-manipulated beasts that were stampeding their way to the camp.

"Sorry to let you down!" the Timber Deity Empire's Commander sneered at the northern sky military camp's members, and looked at them derisively.

Now that they had been vanquished, the northern sky military camp's soldiers had no choice but to lay down their arms and surrender.

"You'd better surrender to me. At least, you will stay alive that way," the Timber Deity Empire's Commander shouted in the northern sky military camp's direction. He did not want to waste his military resources, nor lose his troops by prolonging the fight against the northern sky military camp.

"Sir, what should we do now?" one of the northern sky military camp's soldiers asked their Commander. After that, all of them waited for his order.

However, the northern sky military camp's Commander was also dazed. Though he did not want to throw down his weapons, he had realized that he could not salvage the situation. He knew that his remaining soldiers and spirit manipulators were no match for the Timber Deity Empire's team, and continuing to fight them would lead to nothing. He did not care for his life, but he could not sacrifice the lives of his loyal soldiers and spirit manipulators who had stayed true to him, and followed him for so many years.

While the northern sky military camp's Commander was vacillating, suddenly, the ground under their feet shook violently. Taken aback and scared, unable to say anything, they looked at one another, helplessly.

Very soon, they saw dark shadows rushing from the west. When they could see beyond, they soon understood that it was a large black dust cloud, and were shocked to behold a large number of spirit-manipulated beasts, thundering in their direction. The soldiers and their Commander could see that nothing could withstand their strength and speed. They would demolish everything, be it a large structure or a tiny plant. Nothing and no one stood a chance against them. Therefore, it was no surprise that they reduced all the buildings in the west to shambles, and continued their charge to the northern sky military camp's center.

The spirit manipulators and over two hundred soldiers sent to pin down the wild spirit-manipulated beasts had raced back, puzzled, and humiliated.

Seeing the scenario that was developing, the Timber Deity Empire's Commander became ghostly pale, because that was the last thing he wanted to see.


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