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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 275

"That's impossible! An ordinary spirit manipulator cannot activate Spirit Possession. Even a primordial spirit manipulator will have difficulty in learning that technique. How did he do that!?" The timber spirit manipulator was awed with what he had witnessed Rocky do. He stood mute and dumbfounded as he stared blankly at Rocky's transformed body.

The figure before him looked like a savage beast. His hands ended in sharp, long claws covered with brilliant flames. The air in the area slowly warmed as the flames played back and forth around his claws and then back again. Two tails protruded from Rocky's back. Sparks constantly flew off from the tails as they moved slowly from the left side to the right and then back to the left. His face looked sharp and vicious, and his eyes looked like burning orbs of molten steel.

"Activating Spirit Possession required that the spirit manipulator possessed extraordinary will, ability and strength. Even with those attributes, there is no guarantee that they will be able to activate it successfully. It's harder for those who do not meet those requirements! I can't even achieve it. But he was able to activate it! And he achieved it even as an ordinary spirit manipulator!" The timber spirit manipulator failed to understand how the event that unfolded before him was possible. His current level and skill as a Heavenly Stage spirit manipulator was not even close to the skill and level needed to activate Spirit Possession.

While under Spirit Possession, Rocky's strength increased dramatically to the eighth grade of the Earthly Stage. Even his energy was fully replenished. This state allowed the spirit manipulator's power to be fused with spirit-manipulated beasts and this fusion increased his own strength by two to three grades.

On the downside, Spirit Possession consumed a huge amount of spiritual energy and stamina. Thus the form had a time limit. One hour was Rocky's limit. The situation had to be concluded quickly before the time limit was up.

Additionally, even though Rocky reached the eighth grade of the Earthly Stage, there was still a power gap between them. The power of a first grade of the Heavenly Stage was still stronger. Rocky had several advantages, though. The timber spirit manipulator lost an arm during Rocky's surprise attack just now. And his spiritual energy was almost spent during the battle.

While Spirit Possession was active, Rocky had access to the nature spiritual power that only primordial spirit manipulators used. This meant that Rocky was able to manipulate Fire that increased his strength a lot.

The timber spirit manipulator was well aware of this information as well. He was completely surprised at first, but the realization of the situation that he was in brought a dark shadow to his countenance. Rocky proved capable of many things that should not be possible to begin with.

In addition to having Spirit Possession activated, Rocky now possessed an ability that he should not have access to. The timber spirit manipulator never imagined such a thing was even remotely possible. It took him too much time and energy to take care of this little spirit manipulator who was barely at the sixth grade of the Earthly Stage. He even lost an arm during their battle. But what made matters worse was that he gave Rocky the opportunity to activate Spirit Possession, and that placed him in a completely disadvantageous situation. As a master of the Heavenly Stage, this battle was a complete shame to him. He would be a laughingstock if what happened here became known to anyone in the Timber Deity Empire!

'Who the hell is this guy?! He looked like an ordinary guy but the abilities he displayed are astounding! Unfortunately, instead of trying to find out who he really is, the only important thing right now is killing him. He cannot stay alive!' the timber spirit manipulator thought with grim determination. No matter who Rocky truly was, he gained nothing from letting Rocky live. He suspected Rocky's true identity with that thought. Even if Rocky truly did come from an allied empire, he would still kill Rocky without hesitation. He only saw problems in the future if Rocky lived.

Rocky had the exact same thought. If anyone found out that he had the Dark Heaven Insect Queen, he would never be at peace. The only thing that mattered to Rocky right now was to get rid of the timber spirit manipulator to keep his secret. But the timber spirit manipulator was much stronger than him. He had to use all of his hidden powers.

The same objective urged these two combatants forward as the confrontation neared the final chapter!

Unwavering eyes fixed on each other. Their spiritual powers brought forth to its fullest! Without warning and as if signaling the final stage of the contest, a dust-filled wind blew between the two combatants.


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