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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 286

"Aaargh!!" Marin shouted in horror. In an instant, a full blast of water flew directly at her.

The sight of Marin's drenched figure made Rocky laugh loudly. 'Ho-ho! How dare you laugh at me. I will show you how powerful I am!' Rocky thought to himself as he mockingly pretended to be Marin scolding him.

Marin was shocked and amazed at the same time that Verdanim allowed Rocky to fly it and now even obeyed Rocky's instructions. She felt extreme admiration for Rocky because of these things that he was able to do. Things that were supposed to be impossible. But no matter how much Marin admired what Rocky could do, she knew that Rocky should get wet as well.

"Verdanim, Rocky wants to take a shower. Help him," Marin ordered.

Verdanim immediately sucked in a mouthful of water from the sink and pointed its water-filled mouth at Rocky.

Rocky immediately held up his arms and shook his hands left and right. "Stop, Verdanim! If you spray water on me, I will not give you delicious snack anymore."

Verdanim raised its head immediately upon hearing Rocky's words.

"Hey! I'm your master. Why do you listen to him?" Marin complained. She was both surprised and amazed that Verdanim was now hesitating to obey her orders. She then turned to Rocky, "Did you give it something bad?"

"Of course not. All I gave it was tasty, yummy food. Verdanim, if you agree with me, spray your master once more," Rocky said grinning. In fact, to speed up Verdanim's recovery, he often fed it food mixed with magical saliva.

"Verdanim, if you do that again, I will no longer speak with you," Marin exclaimed while placing her hands on her hips to make herself look more serious.

Verdanim was caught in a dilemma that it could not resolve on its own. Was it supposed to follow Marin or Rocky? Verdanim then decided to release the water into the ceiling that was elevated a few meters above ground by a thick, circular, wooden post. However, the strong force of the water released by Verdanim caused the ceiling to collapse. Some of the heavy planks fell towards Marin.

"Watch out!" Rocky shouted as he reflexively rushed towards Marin. Rocky dove at the last minute and caught Marin in a tight body hug as he pushed her out of the way of the falling debris. They fell to the ground with Rocky still hugging Marin tightly close.

Marin was completely shocked by Rocky's sudden action that she found herself completely powerless to do anything.

Frightened of the trouble that it caused, Verdanim swung its powerful wings to clear the falling planks. A few powerful flaps of its wings later and the planks were thrown safely away and fell to the ground meters away from them.


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