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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 37

Rocky was about to take out the Beast Encyclopedia when the morning siren set off from afar.

"Time flies so fast." Rocky just realized that it was already morning and the siren meant that everyone else was about to get up. He also had to go to kitchen to help with breakfast preparations, otherwise Mia would punish him more severely for cutting corners.

Actually, he was having a hard time with Mia since his very first day in the dragon field. But now that he didn't have the energy to deal with her, he had to keep a low profile.

Growing so big in such a short time, Uriah would draw suspicion if it was brought back so Rocky decided to keep Uriah in the bamboo grove to keep it from being seen. Later on, he went back to his room to get his practice uniform and headed to the kitchen.

Upon entering the kitchen, Rocky ran into Mia who seemed to be lost in thought over something.

"Master Mia..." Rocky greeted Mia as he came up to her.

Mia responded with a slight nod, "Your punishment is over. Return to the dragon field."

"Really?" Rocky was surprised by Mia's sudden display of mercy because his punishment only lasted for a day before he was told to return to practice. He even considered studying the Beast Encyclopedia while doing his errands in the kitchen.

"What are you still doing here? Move!" Mia shouted at Rocky as she saw him still standing there.

"Right away." Rocky turned around and left. In his present cultivation stage, Rocky should not get affected by his absence from basic training at all. The current practice was mainly for improving their physical strength. With the magical saliva, he could improve his strength several times stronger than what they could achieve from basic practice.

The reason why Mia freed Rocky from the punishment was never out of kindness. It was because of a secret letter she received from the emperor of the Holy Dragon Empire after leaving the Grand Holy Hall. What was stated in the letter made her break her rules and decided to keep the secret letter to herself. She knew that the contents of the secret letter could dramatically overwhelm the whole royalty.

Seeing Rocky suddenly return, people began discussing and wondering about the possible reasons.

"Aren't you supposed to be in the kitchen for your punishment? What are you doing in here?" Curiously, Flint asked Rocky when he was passed by him.

"Who knows, just as I was starting to get lazy." Rocky shrugged his shoulders as he headed into the line with a grin on his face.

Mia soon presented herself in front of the young group.


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