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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 374

Ever since the Rough Slope was hemmed in, the transportation squad of the logistics camp was put on a back burner incessantly by the guerrilla squad from the Timber Deity Empire. The guerrilla squad attacked from nowhere and ceased to be visible soon enough without any inkling to trace them. The transportation of the provisions and other supplies to the front line was thus stranded from time to time. Typically, the fighting capacity of the force, which was in charge of interception, would not be that dynamic as the spirit of the storm. The number of its members was also insignificant. But their ability of movement was mind-blowing. The small team could withdraw themselves as swift as a streak of lightning after the attack.

'Hmm... Let's get a glimpse of how you are going to show a clean pair of heels again this time.' Rocky curved his lips for an evil smile as his eyes gleamed with an excellent plan to deal with this traceless small team. He grinned viciously, but it refused to reach his flickering eyes. Rocky got wind that the transportation squad of the logistics camp was beleaguered by the interception from a traceless guerrilla team of the Timber Deity Empire. The small team often showed up without warning and exchanged blows before they vanished from sight at a breakneck speed. He asked Louis to transmit a message to Isis, in which he pled with her to dispatch a reconnaissance squad to the sections where the interception used to take place. The reconnaissance squad would assemble every bit of information left by the guerrilla team of the Timber Deity Empire from those spots. Then, they had to evaluate the information thoroughly before they predicted the possible spectrum of active venues based on the information they compiled and scrutinized.

Last night, Rocky dispatched the Carrier Beast to the logistics camp to inquire Louis about the progress of the surveillance. The reconnaissance squad was more labor-saving than his prediction. They had already arrived to a conclusion about the active venues of the guerrilla squad of the Timber Deity Empire for the past ten days. So Louis sent the result of their analysis to Rocky through the Carrier Beast. It did not take long for him to dope out the possible hidden location of the guerrilla squad based on the information he received. It was the secluded basin land in front of him.

After all, he was filled with aplomb as a bird committing itself to the air or a great fish to the deep. That no one perceived the topography of this region could outplay him!

After the hideout of the guerrilla squad was smoked out, Rocky arranged the Carrier Beast in a dash to dispatch a message to Isis in the main camp in the frontline. Then, he lavished no time to open the Magic Spiritual Space to release a gigantic Dark Heaven Insect Queen.

As the Dark Heaven Insect Queen trundled on the ground, many beast figures showed up on the spot from all directions. More and more beasts kept coming into view from far and near. In the flicker of an eye, there were thirty to forty wild spirit-manipulated beasts clustered around the Dark Heaven Insect Queen. Most of the wild spirit-manipulated beasts were of one to two stars, some of them were of three stars. They gave out a death stare fiercely and continued growling at Rocky and everything around him as they trotted out their claws.

At that juncture, the Dark Heaven Insect Queen hissed suddenly as if a queen instructed the ministers on the royal court. All the wild spirit-manipulated beasts submitted themselves to the Dark Heaven Insect Queen and prostrated in front of it.

"That was a legitimate queen of the insect. Its drawing power was overpowering and in a class of its own!" Although Rocky had witnessed the same phenomenon when he captured the Dark Heaven Insect Queen, he could not help but be flabbergasted at sight of it for a second time.

The Dark Heaven Insect Queen was born with the predilection to titillate the lower grade of wild spirit-manipulated beasts fancy to its side. All those which were made their mouths water by it were bowed to its power.

"Uriah, I will require you to run the errand for me again." Rocky took out a bottle that contained one drop of the magical saliva in a couple of seconds. He asked Uriah to hold it in its mouth and then pointed to the direction of the basin land in which the guerrilla squad of the Timber Deity Empire encamped on site.

Uriah understood without being tentative about what Rocky wanted it to do. It ran as fast as a gust of wind towards the camp of the guerrilla squad. Its hard crimson scales stood up as small flames flickered and intersected with each other, which resembled a pair of wings flapping all the way long. The wild spirit-manipulated beasts which clustered around the Dark Heaven Insect Queen could not help but run fast like a bat out of hell after Uriah as they had a bee in their bonnet by the unique fragrance of the magical saliva.

The next moment, a dense mass of wild spirit-manipulated beasts went hell for leather in formidable array to the campsite of the guerrilla squad in the lead of Uriah.

The guerrilla squad was reposed themselves in the camp in the basin valley who did not gear themselves up for such a crowd of saber-rattling wild spirit-manipulated beasts. They were taken by astonishment as the cluster of ferocious wild spirit-manipulated beasts inundated their camp. The number of wild beasts was as much as thirty to forty! What's more, each of them was hard-hearted ferocious. They attacked anyone they met as rabid dogs. Although there were three thousand soldiers and two squads of spirit manipulators in their camp, it was hell on earth beyond their ability to hold sway over.


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