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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 47

Flint froze for a second as he looked towards the sound and saw a figure where the dart came from. It was none other than Rocky while the beast that just pressed him with its claws was Uriah.

"Was that you?" Flint realized in an instant that the attacker was Rocky.

"If I knew that this would work earlier, I would not have gone through so much trouble," Rocky said with a smile on his face.

Flint still did not understand the reason behind his actions. He felt both humiliated and furious. He approached Rocky and pointed the ice sword towards his face. Uriah wanted to protect its master but Rocky stopped it.

"You have every right to be angry. However, you will not achieve anything if you refuse to enter the tiger's den. Besides, who do you think just saved you?" Rocky asked Flint as he squinted at him.

Flint looked confused as he then looked at his Cloud Tiger.

"That's right. Your war beast just saved your life." Rocky affirmed his suspicions.

"That's not possible. How could the Cloud Tiger have such abilities?" Flint found it hard to believe that the Cloud Tiger possessed the power of ice.

"Uriah......" Rocky called his war beast to gesture it to attack.

Uriah immediately jumped towards the Cloud Tiger. The Cloud Tiger sensed the upcoming danger and immediately brandished its claw. An ice claw then shot out of its claw in an instant and was aimed at Uriah. Uriah dodged the attack as the ice claw went straight into the bamboo grove and blasted a couple of bamboos to bits and pieces.

Flint was shocked by what he just witnessed. He turned rigidly towards Rocky and asked him, "What the hell is the meaning of this? How did the Cloud Tiger learn to do all of that?"

"You've always treated it as a war beast that was only good with its strength. That was your mistake. The Cloud Tiger always had potential with ice in his body similar to a spiritual beast. Once activated, such ability can be used by the war beast the same way spiritual beasts do," Rocky explained to Flint in detail.

"How did the Cloud Tiger acquire a spiritual beast's power with ice?" Flint still couldn't fully grasp the concept Rocky was telling him.

"The ancestors of the Cloud Tiger were probably a combination of a war beast and a spiritual beast. I believe this also applies to other war beasts, not just the Cloud Tiger. Many of them have some sort of hidden potential within them." Rocky started having these clues after his study on the Cloud Tiger, and he came to believe that it also applied to other war beasts.

However, the beast evaluators in this world only knew how to evaluate a beast but had no clue how to cultivate and activate the full potential of spirit-manipulated beasts. Rocky would not have discovered the potential hidden inside the Cloud Tiger if it hadn't been for his persistence in experimentations.

What Rocky failed to understand was that it was very difficult to be a beast evaluator in this world. There had been a time when there were contending schools of thoughts among the different beast evaluators. But eventually, every school of beast evaluation began to live off their past gains instead of progressing and exchanging ideas with one another. To make things worse, the Beast Evaluation Skill had been closely guarded as a secret of every school, which made it more difficult for their knowledge to be passed on. On the other hand, it was a technique that was largely dependent on one's gift. There had been many who studied the Beast Evaluation Skill that finally gave up as nothing had been achieved. The ones who were gifted enough to become beast evaluators were very rare. So many Beast Evaluation Skills had been lost due to the lack of inheritance and the constantly decreasing number of beast evaluators. Nowadays, top-tier beast evaluators could be counted with a single hand. Every country coveted their own talents yet very few were made available.


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