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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 57

"You've really changed a lot! You've appear much stronger now and I hardly even recognized you. The traces of that frail little boy that you once were is completely gone!" Lena gushed as she surveyed Rocky from head to toe. Although Rocky had changed greatly in the recent months, it only took Lena a short while after stepping out of the carriage to recognize him. She was aware that the new royal spirit manipulators would come visit to celebrate the Dragon Birth Festival, Rocky included.

The young nobles and spirit manipulators watched as Rocky socialized with Lena, talking, laughing, even holding hands and acting close towards each other. They all grew jealous of him. They were all surprised when they witnessed Rocky acting intimate with Marcia last time. Now, he was socializing with Lena, a Witch from the Holy Dragon Empire. It was all unexpected. Their brows furrowed as they tried to figure out how Rocky seemingly became so charismatic and attractive in the eyes of the two stunning beauties.

"I thought you'd say that you missed me." Rocky pouted and pretended to be disappointed.

Lena lightly chuckled and played along. She shook Rocky's hands and said, "Alright, fine. I missed you a little bit and I've been worried about you all the time. How have they been treating you at the dragon field? Are you being bullied over there?"

"Am I being bullied? Are you kidding me?" Rocky quipped. He then turned around to face his teenaged companions and shouted, "Hey! This beautiful girl is asking whether you guys have been bullying me! Is that right? Have you been bullying me?"

The teenagers' eyes widened in fear. They all hurriedly shook their heads. None of them dared to offend Rocky.

"You see? I'm the boss here!" Rocky said, glancing back at Lena with a big grin on his face.

"Oh my goodness. What luck has befallen you? You're so imperious now." Lena put her hand over her mouth to stifle a laugh. Lena noticed that Rocky had morphed into a different man. He was energetic and even his personality had become bright and outgoing.

"Bah, don't talk nonsense! I'll have you know that I've kept a pretty low profile and stayed away from trouble," Rocky responded, cheerfully smiling. He then fell quiet and examined the beautiful girl in front of him. 'Lena is so tender and caring towards Basil, but he didn't know enough to appreciate her. Ugh! I will not let this blockhead squander his chances with Lena! I will win her over for Basil!"

Rocky thought to himself and smirked.

"Well, I hear you're already at grade two of the Mortal Stage. That's quite impressive! Keep up your efforts! After all, your cultivation practice is closely linked to the Holy Dragon Bead," Lena encouraged.

Rocky could not help but smile. Had Lena known that he had already reached grade seven of the Mortal Stage, she would have given him a kiss right then and there. However, Rocky did not want to give himself away by showing off his skill.

"Your Royal Highness, it's almost time for us to step into the square. The representatives of the Magic Phoenix Empire and the Holy Dragon Empire will soon arrive," Lena's handmaid reminded her.


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