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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 60

"Oh, I know who he is! He is the useless prince! Why does he come here?"

"I don't know either. He doesn't even reach the third grade of the Mortal Stage. Why would it be him who goes up for the last round? Did the Holy Dragon Empire make a mistake?"

"Yeah, maybe you are right. How could he possibly compare with the phoenix spirit manipulators from the Magic Phoenix Empire? They can probably defeat him in the blink of an eye! Holy moly! He is just going to make this situation way uglier!"

"Look! He doesn't even bring his war beast! Does that mean he's trying to surrender right from the start? Or maybe he doesn't even have a war beast of his own? That's just embarrassing!"

People began murmuring among themselves.

Even the emperor of the Holy Dragon Empire was surprised to see Rocky coming up in the last round.

"Priest Dean, what happened? What's the reason behind this?" the emperor looked at Priest Dean and asked him with worry.

"Your Majesty, I shall explain everything later," Priest Dean whispered. Because Felicia was present at the area, Priest Dean didn't tell the emperor beforehand that Marcia requested for Rocky to join the contest. As he expected, the emperor was caught by surprise the moment he saw that Rocky was present.

The emperor could tell Priest Dean was caught in an awkward situation. To add to that, Felicia sat right next to him so the emperor decided to put a stop to the topic and merely nodded at Priest Dean instead.

"What is this piece of crap doing here? Does the whole Holy Dragon Empire run out of other spirit manipulators?" Alston whispered furiously.

But when Lena saw Rocky, she immediately had stars in her eyes. Of course, she didn't know that Rocky's presence in the contest was made possible by Marcia so she thought it was because Rocky fought for himself. It made her feel really happy for Rocky.

"Oh! Is he the royal spirit manipulator who acquired the dragon spiritual power from the Holy Dragon Bead? The players from the Holy Dragon Empire who came before don't seem to be the one who has fused with the Holy Dragon Bead. Could he be the one? But he looks so weak. The other players look way stronger than him," Erica questioned with a face full of doubt.

"Well..." The emperor of the Holy Dragon Empire was tongue-tied and embarrassed after hearing Erica.

"Sorry, Miss Erica! The one you just mentioned doesn't join the game because he has another business he has to take care of," Priest Dean explained at once to save the emperor from further embarrassment as he nodded at him to let him know he had his back.

The emperor also understood that if they found out about that the one who gained the dragon spiritual power from the Holy Dragon Bead was only a spirit manipulator at the second grade of the Mortal Stage, it would be regarded as a laughing matter that would soon get spread around the Magic Phoenix Empire.

"Oh yeah? Then the game shouldn't be any interesting," Erica said arrogantly.

"Erica! Don't be so rude!" Felicia reminded.

"Never mind. She's right. The last player isn't any better than the ones from earlier," the emperor confessed.

"It might be too early to tell. The last ones are usually the best ones. He maybe not as weak as he seems," Felicia said. She felt something strange about the emperor's attitude. The Holy Dragon Empire knew very well that the Magic Phoenix Empire was way stronger than them. Why would they let a weak player go on the final round? It was rather unexpected. But the trace of spiritual power she felt from Rocky was faint and weak. It somehow made her think that that the emperor wasn't lying.

'Then what could the Holy Dragon Empire be planning?' Felicia wondered to herself.

As the people kept murmuring among themselves, Rocky had reached the venue and calmly stood in front of his opponent.

The phoenix spirit manipulator who just defeated Bear was a man. "Oh, man! Isn't there nobody else from the Holy Dragon Empire? Now you pester me with a weak spirit manipulator who probably isn't qualified to join this contest. Ha-ha! How could you be so silly? And you didn't even take your war beast with you!? Are you planning to forfeit before the fight even starts?" the man talked arrogantly as he made gestures with his hands.

"Forfeit? Ha-ha! You listen to me very carefully! If I lose to you today then you can just walk all over my dead body," Rocky sneered at him.

"You!" The phoenix spirit manipulator glared at Rocky after he heard him.

"Oh, man! I can't stand you anymore! Can we just start the game already? If I had to see your face for one more second, I would surely have nightmares tonight!" Rocky said with scorn.


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