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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 66

Before she came here, Felicia had already known that the new spirit manipulators in the Holy Dragon Empire had just completed the process of fusing with the power of Dragon Master Clan. She could imagine that the Holy Dragon Empire wouldn't be so strong as the Magic Phoenix Empire, and for this reason she asked Tasha to hide her true force.

But she never expected that Rocky would appear and turn the situation around. To win the honor for Magic Phoenix Empire, she couldn't ask Tasha to hide her real power anymore.

The emperor of the Holy Dragon Empire narrowed his sharp eyes, because he understood that Tasha has been promoted to the seventh grade of the Mortal Stage. The higher the grade, the greater the disparity between two grades. It was almost impossible for Rocky to win. But he pursed his lips thoughtfully. For some reason, he felt that there might still be hope.

He was not alone in feeling this way. Almost everyone present seemed to be expecting another miracle.

Both of the competitors had the war beasts at the second grade of the three-star level whose power was on par. This meant that it was mostly up to either Rocky or Tasha to win. But obviously, at the moment, it seemed that Rocky's own strength was still slightly inferior.

Rocky looked at Tasha, whose whole body glowed faintly with spiritual light. Suddenly, he burst out laughing, his eyes growing cold. "It seems that you are better than I thought, little girl. Show me your real strength now, why don't you?" As he spoke, the Dragon Spirit Mark on his left arm suddenly flickered, and his body began to shine with spiritual light as well. At first, it was the sixth grade of the Mortal Stage, but in the blink of an eye, the spiritual light increased dramatically, reaching the seventh grade of the Mortal Stage.

The entire place broke out in a frenzy.

"The seventh grade of the Mortal Stage! What!? How!?" "He has also reached the seventh grade of the Mortal Stage!"

"Oh God, is he still human? He is much more powerful than we ever imagined!"

"He deserves to be recognized as the royal spirit manipulator who has fused with the Holy Dragon Bead. His power is amazing!"

All sorts of cries of surprise followed.

The emperor of the Holy Dragon Empire and others were surprised to see Rocky's strength improve once more. Meanwhile, Felicia appeared to be worried. She hadn't expected Rocky to hide his strength of the seventh grade of the Mortal Stage.

"He indeed has the blood of the royal family," Felicia said deliberately, shooting a meaningful look at the emperor of the Holy Dragon Empire.

At this moment, the emperor couldn't help but let loose a smile. His son was winning glory for the Holy Dragon Empire. If not for him, their empire would have certainly been disgraced then and there.

"Unbelievable... The seventh grade of the Mortal Stage!" Priest Dean couldn't believe his eyes.

"Is he still the Basil I know?" Even Lena, who had been happy before, was utterly surprised. She couldn't imagine that Basil, who had tried to fuse with the Dragon Spirit Bead for five years and failed, suddenly possessed strong qualifications and talents after fusing with the Dragon Spirit Bead. It was as though the power in his bloodline had been awakened. Of course, she didn't know that the real Basil was long gone, and that he had been replaced by one of the best and most credible genetic scientists in the modern world.


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