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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 68

Seeing Uriah charging towards her, Tasha retracted one of the tails and blocked its impact. She made a pose with her tender hands in front of her chest and shouted aloud, light flashing from her eyes. "Chain of fire!"

A couple of chains that were blazing fire, swooped out of the ground around Uriah and entangled it in its grip from all directions. Uriah struggled with its utmost power but with no success. It seemed to be trapped in the chains.

Rocky became serious and intense as he saw Tasha trap Uriah with relative ease. He realized that her strength was far stronger than his, but he was not someone who would give up easily.

While Tasha was busy dealing with Uriah, Rocky took the opportunity to close in on her. He decided to use the skill of the Whirlwind Kick. Just as the aura of this kick began to materialize, Rocky charged towards Tasha.

Tasha pulled back immediately and brandished her three giant tails and that aura exploded to pieces.

Suddenly, Tasha felt a spiritual power which came crushing down on her. She balanced herself and saw a finger shining brightly. It seemed to be passing through her tails and coming straight for her in high speed. It was so fast that she didn't notice how soon it would reach her.

"Such childish play!" Tasha saw right through his trick. She quickly generated waves of fire that devoured the finger.

"Now here comes your payback." Tasha was taken aback. Just when she thought she had figured out Rocky's move, she heard a cold laugh behind her. She instantly turned around and saw Rocky standing there. Somehow he had managed to sneak behind her, and she was so engrossed that she failed to notice his movements.

As soon as he finished that sentence, Tasha saw a dozen palms striking down on her. She was clearly caught off guard as her tails were still out there. And there was no time for retraction.

The audience cheered as they saw that Rocky was still able to turn the tables around, even when the strength of his opponent was far more than his.

However, it was too quick for all to assume that Rocky's sneak attack would be successful against Tasha, who was at the ninth grade of the Mortal Stage at the moment. Tasha had received the most intensive training in the Magic Phoenix Empire. The brutality of her attacks was beyond anyone's imagination.

Just as Rocky thought he was going to succeed, Tasha ascended into the sky. In a single movement, she was able to dodge all of his palms and those attacks.

Rocky was shocked when he saw Tasha use her three giant tails to prop her up into the sky. Such a reflective action was truly amazing.

Now was not the time for Rocky to appreciate her talents. He needed to be alert as Tasha was swooping down from the sky. She flipped her palms as she shouted, "Blaze Palm!" The moment she shouted, fire burst out of her hand. It was coming straight for Rocky, like a firestorm.

There was hardly any time for Rocky to escape from Tasha's attack.



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