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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 70


A dazzling light burst forth from the battleground when the three flaming tails crashed on Rocky. Everyone could feel the spiritual power spreading rapidly, like an overwhelming wave of energy.

They all held their breath at the sight of such an intense scene. Though it was merely a fight between spirit manipulators at the Mortal Stage, they were still attracted by the exciting combat.

No matter who won this fight in the end, there would still be two stars rising in the Holy Dragon Empire and the Magic Phoenix Empire.

But the crowd was still buzzing in anticipation at who could possibly win.

Even Felicia, seated beside the emperor of the Holy Dragon Empire, couldn't help but stand up and gaze at Tasha, who had removed the Spirit Possession, and Rocky, who was shrouded by fog. Tasha was out of breath, panting rapidly. No one knew whether Rocky was alive or not. Felicia thought the winner would be her disciple. Though Rocky had once more improved his spiritual power, she did not believe that he could reach the ninth grade of the Mortal Stage just yet. Yet she had still been surprised. After all, Rocky, only at the seventh grade of the Mortal Stage, had still managed to make her disciple use her full power to defeat him, even after activating the Spiritual Possession. Felicia was even a little jealous of the emperor of the Holy Dragon Empire, for he had two gifted sons.

"Basil..." Lena could bear it no longer, after bearing the agony of staring into the unmoving fog for what felt like an eternity. She stood up and went to the battleground after she glanced at the emperor of the Holy Dragon Empire.

At the same time, Mia was with the other trainees in the resting area and also felt worried about Rocky, who still did not show up. He had definitely surprised all of them with the leaps and bounds his power made. She hurried to the arena as well.

"Reckless man!" From the crowd, Marcia also rushed to the fighting site.

These three women coming from different directions were all worried about him. What a lucky fellow he truly was!

When everyone thought that Rocky had lost the fight, a strong spiritual power unexpectedly blasted out of the fog and transformed into a whirlwind which blew away the fog and dust in the air. A figure encompassed with twinkling light appeared. His strong spiritual power continually rose, shrouded by a peculiar light. The crowd immediately sensed that a different kind of power had permeated everywhere.

The three women all stopped and looked at this development in surprise.

Everyone's jaws dropped to the ground. This was truly unexpected!

It was exactly Rocky who was emitting the spiritual power.

He did not appear to have sustained any wounds! What was more, his power seemed to be above the Mortal Stage. Rocky stood still, his sharp eyes scanning the crowd.

"How is this possible?!" Felicia was utterly shocked. The power she could sense now was exponentially greater than what Rocky had been emitting moments ago!

Aside from Felicia, however, many powerful spirit manipulators had not yet fully sensed Rocky's current power.

This was to be expected, because Rocky had devoured the spiritual power of the three tails using his dragon spiritual power when the three huge flaming tails hit him. The spiritual power inside Rocky's body all gathered into the Dragon Spirit Mark as it was devouring the power.

The Dragon Spirit Mark on his arm began to change. Like a vine, it grew to his shoulder rapidly.


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