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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 81

A clan who had its private estates in the Holy Dragon Empire meant that it not only had a regional jurisdiction of an area, but also was allowed to recruit troops and form its own forces. For example, the Ximen Clan and other large clans of Holy Dragon Empire all had their own estates and armies and held respective influences in the empire. Of course, the prerequisite for anyone to acquire an estate was gaining the absolute trust of the emperor of the Holy Dragon Empire. Without this one thing, one would never be officially offered an estate. The emperor had a deep-seated fear that anyone with a private army would try to stage a revolt. Gradually, by relying on his strong army, he might become domineering and disobey or even try to overthrow the emperor's rule. If that happened, it would be a nightmare for the emperor. It was because of this paranoia that the emperor seldom offered anyone an estate.

So, when the emperor announced that he would bestow an estate upon Prince Basil, it also indicated that he trusted him most among all his sons.

"Your Majesty, I think the matter of offering an estate to Prince Basil still needs to be discussed further. After all, he's still quite young and I'm afraid it will be tedious for him to take on such a heavy responsibility," Priest Dean immediately advised. He was determined to stop the growth of Rocky's power, knowing that Rocky might take revenge for the times that he had been unkind to him. What puzzled him most was why the emperor's attitude towards Rocky had changed dramatically. Was it just because of Rocky's outstanding performance at the Dragon Birth Festival? To an extent, his guess was correct, but there were many other reasons as well.

Other officials also seconded Priest Dean's advice, one after another.

"I also have considered that. I'm thinking of arranging a royal marriage for him. Basil has to get married before he can obtain the estate. Those are the terms of my offer. Once he gets married and settles down, he will naturally shoulder all the responsibility," the emperor said seriously. He was not making a hasty decision to offer his son an estate. As the emperor, he had to be cautious about any of his decisions.

As soon as the officials heard the emperor's words, they breathed a sigh of relief at the realization that the emperor's offer would be very conditional indeed.

"Your Majesty, may I ask whom you are eyeing to become Prince Basil's betrothed?" Priest Dean asked hesitantly. Usually, a royal marriage was a union between the major clans of the Holy Dragon Empire. He had to find out which clan would gain the support of Rocky and would stand behind him in turn.

"The Ximen Clan," the emperor said simply and narrowed his eyes. He was waiting for his officials' comments. He knew they would have a lot to say about his arrangement.

The officials including Priest Dean and other princes were quite started, to say the least.

As the largest clan of the Holy Dragon Empire, the Ximen Clan was quite influential, its grasp extending to nearly all corners of the kingdom. Its power was beyond comparison and other clans typically did not dare challenge it. Among ten of the Holy Dragon Empire's royal spirit manipulators, there was one from the Ximen Clan. Thus, it could be seen that the status of the Ximen Clan in the Holy Dragon Empire was so high that it was far beyond the scope of ordinary people.

Moreover, the Sky Army led by General Bryant of the Ximen Clan was the strongest and the best elite army of the Holy Dragon Empire. It was an invincible force and was known for terrifying countless enemies on the battlefield before the war even began. The Ximen Clan was consequently one of the most important pillars of the Holy Dragon Empire, if not the most prolific one. If they changed their allegiance and stopped being loyal to the emperor, they could try to overthrow his rule and throw the Holy Dragon Empire into a chaotic, bloody mess.

But the Ximen Clan was well-known for their loyalty to the Holy Dragon Empire for generations past. All the members of the clan had pledged their allegiance to the royal family and had never been suspected of any disloyalty.

The reason for the startled looks that the officials wore was primarily because of the Ximen Clan's high status in the Holy Dragon Empire. If the emperor arranged a marriage between Rocky and a daughter of the Ximen Clan, Rocky would become the son-in-law of the Ximen Clan and gain the clan's loyalty. Without any question, it would be a very terrible thing for those who had crossed Rocky. With the power of the Holy Dragon Bead and his marriage into the most powerful clan, no one in the Holy Dragon Empire would dare to belittle him. He would have so much power at his fingertips! Naturally, anyone who had been Rocky's enemy would want to stop the arranged marriage.

"The Ximen Clan? But Your Majesty, I don't remember there being any eligible woman from the clan..." Priest Dean asked, a little confused.

"Of course there is! Doesn't it have a young lady? The granddaughter of General Bryant! If I remember right, she is also the most talented royal spirit manipulator of the Ximen Clan to have lived in recent decades," the emperor replied at once.

"Your majesty, are you talking about Shirley?" Lena asked, feeling rather stunned.

"Yeah, I mean her. I think she is the best choice. She is about the same age as Basil. And they have a similar background. Their marriage would be a perfect match!" the emperor nodded, apparently greatly satisfied with this arrangement.

'Shirley? Isn't she that mean and aggressive girl with a flat figure? Basil's father is going to marry her to me? How can anyone stand her bad temper? He must be kidding! Geez!' Rocky's thoughts raced. He grimaced a little. He had suffered great pain when Shirley had lost her temper and hit him so hard. It had been a shameful experience. Never in his wildest dreams did he think he'd be forced to marry her!


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