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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 89

'Who is he?' Rocky couldn't help wondering about that man's true identity. At the same time, his eyes fell on another figure. He was immediately fascinated by her beauty and great charm. Her delicate snow-white face for some reason gave her an arrogant look. She had an attractive nose, higher than that of a mixed-blood beauty. The nose was high up in the air, just as haughty as its owner's proud look at the moment. The woman had a royal temperament.

It was funny for Rocky never expected that the girl whom he stood admiring was none other than Shirley.

Moreover, the man standing next to Shirley was her grandfather, Bryant.

Shirley noticed Rocky's admiring gaze at her. She didn't like to wear women's clothes as she felt very uncomfortable in them. With great reluctance she had worn it. But now when she was being stared at, by eyes full of desire, she was annoyed and could no longer bear it.

Shirley immediately glared at Rocky with her beautiful eyes. Of course, she was not aware that the man gazing at her was the most hated prince, the useless waste, who was worthless in her eyes.

Neither of them recognized each other.

Glared by Shirley, Rocky immediately turned away his eyes. He pretended as if he was watching Bryant and Shirley enter the Grand Holy Hall surrounded by a group of guards. Yet, all the time, he kept wondering about the true identity of that gorgeous beauty. When they had moved ahead, he quietly followed them. He stayed close and continued to walk towards the Grand Holly Hall.

In the Grand Holy Hall, the emperor of the Holy Dragon Empire was still sitting on his dragon throne, while Lena was sitting on the lower left side. Priest Dean, Alston, several other princes as well as all the ministers of the Holy Dragon Empire had also gathered in the hall.

When Bryant and Shirley stepped into the hall, everyone immediately looked at them. They first looked at Bryant and the next instant their eyes fell on Shirley who was beside him. Evidently, everyone was attracted by her stunning beauty. Several princes became extremely excited. They began to fantasize about romantic love affairs with her.

All the people, including the emperor of the Holy Dragon Empire, wore a surprised look. They couldn't help wondering whose daughter she was. 'Why did she come with Bryant?' they thought to themselves.

Obviously, almost everyone in the hall did not realize that the gorgeous beauty was none other than Shirley. Shirley, who was dressed in feminine clothes, had completely changed herself into another person.

The only person who showed great calm was Lena. Since she was also a woman, she recognized Shirley's true identity at a glance. Of course, she also didn't expect that Shirley would change so much after she was dressed in women's clothing.

"Your Majesty, it is my great honor to meet you. I wish you happiness and health forever!" After walking towards the dragon throne, Bryant immediately made an obeisance to the emperor by cupping one hand in the other before his chest. Although his tone was very respectful, he still looked very proud.

"Your Majesty, it is also my great honor to meet you. May you always be happy and healthy." Shirley bowed to the emperor with great respect.

Upon hearing the voice as Shirley spoke, the whole hall immediately echoed with the voices of great surprise.

"Shirley?" "Is that Shirley?"

"Is it even possible? Is she truly Shirley? I remember, the real Shirley is a tomboy! But the woman standing in front of us is clearly a gorgeous beauty."

"Is it possible that she is Shirley's younger sister or elder sister?"

Everyone's facial expression was very strange, for they were unwilling to accept the truth that the beauty before them was indeed Shirley.

"You don't need to guess her true identity. She is indeed my granddaughter, Shirley." Bryant said in a calm voice, unable to conceal his pride. He was quite confident about his granddaughter's beauty.


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