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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 92

"Not a soon-to-be, I already am. I just signed the royal marriage contract back in the Grand Holy Hall. You are now looking at a married man. Master Mia, do you feel sorry for yourself? That you have never taken the advantage to confess your love to me while I was still under your training?" Rocky could not help but tease her.

"What? You really are a naive young man. You are definitely not my type." Mia showed her indifferent pride as she always did.

"Oh, that hurts. But I have to tell you that you are a thousand times lovelier than that Shirley! I could only see her as a tomboy no matter how hard I tried to like her." Rocky shook his head and lamented to Mia.

As the gloomy Rocky poured out his woes, Mia could not help but cover her mouth and laugh. Rocky's face looked just exactly like a resentful man who walked in on his girlfriend kissing another guy.

"Is any of this funny to you?" Rocky glared in slight anger. But his anger did not last very long. On the contrary, he worried about Mia's wound. "Have you recovered from your wounds?"

"Yes, certainly. It had recovered long ago," Mia replied.

"Then, wouldn't you want to do something to thank me for saving your life? Maybe you would want to go out on a date with me or something? Just to show your gratitude of being saved by me," Rocky crossed his arms and teased interestingly as he looked into Mia's eyes. He knew Mia would not agree to go out with him. It was all talk.

But Mia did hesitate for a second. She rolled her eyes and replied surprisingly, "Alright, I was planning to go somewhere. Since you are so bored, then I wouldn't mind if you joined me."

Rocky did not expect Mia to agree. His eyes beamed with joy. He thought he was very lucky to have ended up there. Otherwise, he would have missed his great opportunity to go out with Mia.

"Just wait here for a while. I will come back in a second," Mia said as she walked back to talk to her deputies for a few seconds. Then, under the jealous look of those young men, she left with Rocky.

"I can't believe this guy will be Miss Shirley's fiance. Just look at him! How does he still have the nerve to flirt with Master Mia! Will he be loyal to Miss Shirley? What a jerk!" Bear was among the many young men who witnessed Rocky's appearance on the field. He envied and disliked Rocky but he couldn't do anything about it because Rocky was now the esteemed Prince Basil. What's more, he was also the royal spirit manipulator whose cultivation base had reached the Earthly Stage. Bear was humble in both position and cultivation base level. He felt helpless even if he disliked everything he just saw.

As the old saying went, every dog has its day.


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