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Rebirth Reclaiming Her Self (Angela and Joseph) novel Chapter 505

Chapter 505 Anticipating Revenge 

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Despite her promise to assist Kaydron, Fanny couldn’t mask her disdain for him. Under her 

le influence, Kaydron had admitted to Angela’s involvement in supplying the drugs

essentially confessing to his possession of them

Now facing the grim prospect of a lengthy prison sentence, perhaps even a decade or more, Fanny relished the idea of Kaydron being locked away. But her satisfaction would only be complete once Angela faced the same fate

The mere thought of Angela behind bars filled Fanny with a vindictive thrill. I’ve told you everything.Kaydron urged, gripping the railing tightly. Fanny, please, find a way to get me 


Feeling the weight of time pressing down, Fanny rose with a troubled expression. I’ll do my best, Mr. Reed. Just give me a moment to figure something out.” 

But before she could act, the police intervened, signaling their time was up

Unable to voice the threats he wished to convey, Kaydron silently implored Fanny to assist him sincerely

Feigning distress, Fanny followed the officers out, her facade crumbling as tears welled in her 


I never imagined Angela was behind this,” she sobbed, wiping away her tears

The police offered reassurance, Don’t worry, Miss Fanny. We’ll conduct a thorough investigation. Your sister won’t be convicted solely on one person’s testimony.” 

But Fanny couldn’t shake her dissatisfaction

Despite Kaydron’s damning confession, the police insisted on further inquiry, a process she found frustratingly inefficient

In her eyes, Angela should be apprehended immediately, detained, and then questioned

Angela’s arrogance and success grated on Fanny, igniting a burning desire to witness her 


The thought of Angela thriving while Fanny suffered fueled her resentment and envy

Who did Angela think she was to enjoy such privilege and comfort

Well, that’s a relief then.


Chapter 505 Anticipating Revenge 

45 Free Coins 

Despite a tumult of grievances and envy swirling within her, Fanny managed to muster a semblance of relief in response to the police’s assurances

Following her departure from the police station, authorities resumed their interrogation of Kaydron and launched an inquiry into Angela’s involvement

Angela’s cooperation loomed pivotal for the investigation’s success

While law enforcement delved into the matter, Fanny had already made her way 


En route, she received word of her imminent departure for Riverdon that day

Despite having arrangements with Christopher, she couldn’t immediately join him. She first needed to ensure the departure of other Kins Family members, a prerequisite for executing Christopher’s plan

Their target wasn’t just anyoneit was Florence

With Kaydron’s fate hanging in uncertainty, Fanny couldn’t depart without tying up loose. ends.. 

Before leaving, she needed to confront Florence once more, risking everything to ensure no incriminating evidence remained against her

Though it might provoke Florence, Fanny remained undeterred

Once she returned to Northland, not even Florence could thwart her plans

With resolve in her heart, Fanny sought out James, needing to explain her decision to deceive Florence with Christopher despite Florence’s orders

Before her departure, she warned James to be wary of Florence’s schemes

What?James was taken aback by Fanny’s revelation, his focus shifting from Dylan’s findings

Florence was a greater threat than Dylan

James, I didn’t want this either, but Chris found out and asked for my cooperation. He promised to ensure my safety on the plane,she explained hastily, fearing Jamesdisapproval

However, James remained silent, deep in thought

Fanny couldn’t help but regret confiding in James

Are you certain it’s wise to let someone deceive Florence?James finally voiced his concern

I don’t know,Fanny admitted, shaking her head


09:47 Mon, 6 May 

Chapter 505 Anticipating Revenge 

+5 Free Cora 

She wasn’t entirely certain, but she felt cornered. Christopher had exposed her. She had no choice but to comply with his plans

Unless she was willing to forgo returning to Riverdon or marrying Christopher, which she couldn’t

In fact, Fanny was eager to return to Riverdon and marry Christopher

Thank goodness you told me. I’ll support you,” James reassured her, sensing her distress and gently stroking her head. We’ll accompany you. Christopher will arrange distractions for Florence’s people, and I’ll do the same.” 

He had been contemplating how to make Dylan pay, and this seemed like a perfect opportunity

But aren’t you supposed to leave first, James?Fanny asked, touched by his support

We’ll go together. There’s no rush. Just leave everything to me,James insisted


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