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Rebirth Reclaiming Her Self (Angela and Joseph) novel Chapter 507

Chapter 507 Unveiling Her True Colors 

Chapter 507 Unveiling Her True Colors 

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Florence’s face betrayed a storm of emotions, her usually composed demeanor on the brink of crumbling

Jonathan, if you hurry back to the company, our partnership can thrive as we envisioned,she pressed, fighting to keep her voice steady amidst the chaos swirling within her

For so long, she had meticulously orchestrated her plans, even manipulating the affairs of the Shelton Family to align with her ambitions. The idea of letting go now felt unfathomable

While part of her sought to maintain control over Jonathan through their partnership, she also genuinely desired its success

Yet, Jonathan’s perplexing actions left her feeling unsettled.. 

What had stirred such chaos within him

Undoubtedly, there was a catalyst behind Jonathan’s agitation, a reason Florence struggled to decipher

When had she ever provoked such a reaction from Jonathan

What have I done to deserve this?she demanded, her confusion evident in her voice

Jonathan’s response was cold and detached. Miss Shelton, perhaps it’s time for you to reflect on your actions.” 

Florence furrowed her brow, trying to decipher the meaning behind his words



Chapter 507 Unveiling Her True Colors 

To her, Jonathan’s refusal to offer a straightforward explanation suggested a lack of evidence against her. But why avoid confrontation if there was nothing incriminating

Was he preoccupied with thoughts of Angela

Despite not needing Jonathan’s presence during the exam, he remained in the Western Suburbs unnecessarily. Florence’s frustration grew

She had hoped that by leveraging their partnership, even if Jonathan didn’t comply, he would at least soften his stance. Yet, she hadn’t anticipated his attitude worsening

First, he downplayed the importance of their collaboration, and now he was advising her to reflect on herself

It was clear he didn’t take her seriously

Why should I reflect on myself? What have I done to deserye such scrutiny? Jonathan, please reconsider. You know how important this partnership is to both of us!she pleaded, but Jonathan remained unresponsive

Instead, he instructed Spencer sharply, Spencer, escort her out and then ignore her,” dismissing Florence right in front of her

Florence’s expression darkened as she stared at the cell phone in Spencer’s hand, demanding, Jonathan! Are you trying to provoke me?” 

But there was only silence on the other end, as Jonathan had disconnected the call abruptly





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Chapter 507 Unveiling Her True Colors

In frustration, Florence reached for the phone to call back, but Spencer intercepted it swiftly

Observing her frustration, he offered a calm smile. Miss Shelton, take care.” 

With Jonathan’s order to see Florence out, Spencer had no intention of entertaining her any longer

Her imperious demeanor unsettled everyone in the room

You!Florence pointed a finger at Spencer, her anger palpable. Who do you think you are? Just because Jonathan tells you to do something, you comply?” 

Stepping back, Spencer remained composed. Miss Shelton, have you forgotten that this is Jon’s company? Naturally, I must follow his instructions.” 

Incensed by his indifferent response, Florence raised her hand as if to strike Spencer

Swiftly, he grasped her wrist. Miss Shelton, please calm down. Security will escort you out.” 

Summoning assistance, he soon found security personnel surrounding Florence

Please, Miss Shelton.” 

Florence, a familiar figure to the security team due to her past disturbances, found herself surrounded by onlookers



Emergency calls only MO 


0091% 10:42 

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Chapter 507 Unveiling Her True Colors 

Realizing her team was still waiting downstairs, unable to join her, she stormed away in frustration, her high heels clicking loudly against the floor

Meanwhile, in WindMill City, Jonathan remained composed despite Florence’s outburst

Tsk tsk.” Yarrison, on the other hand, seemed quite intrigued. Observing Jonathan’s abrupt end to the call, he inquired, Why did you hang up so abruptly?” 

He found the idea of listening to Florence freaking out,on the phone rather exciting and thought it could pass the time, perhaps even improve his mood

Jonathan glanced at him. Do you want to speak with her?” 

Yarrison promptly shook his head

He must be genuinely desperate to want to chat with Florence. Not to mention, he didn’t like Florence; just that she was clinging to Jonathan was enough to keep him away

She was not someone they could mess with

Unsure of Yarrison’s thoughts, Jonathan simply pocketed his cell phone and returned

Yarrison followed suit, matching his pace

By the way, Florence made quite a bold statement. Jon, why aren’t 


Emergency calls only MA… 

Chapter 507 Unveiling Her True Colors 



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you the least bit scared?He had listened to the entire conversation beside Jonathan only because they were close, and Jonathan did not conceal his intentions from him

Fear is pointless.Jonathan’s voice was steady, and his words were soothing

Despite saying fear was pointless, he truly felt no fear or apprehension

Indeed.Yarrison sighed

The Shelton Family’s influence over Northland was deeply entrenched, and many felt that survival in the region necessitated aligning with them. It was a mindset ingrained in the populace, a product of habit and necessity


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