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Reclaiming the CEO's Heart novel Chapter 181

Chapter 181 They Were Pawns

As Avery raised her notebook, which recorded all of Jacob's preferences, she said, "Here, I haven't finished memorizing yet. Mr. Hill, you prefer three cubes of sugar in your coffee, steak cooked to medium rare, and you like cherries, blueberries..."

Avery closed the notebook and looked at Jacob with a serious expression. "I remember these are the fruits you dislike the most, and you only eat steak cooked to medium rare. As for coffee, you never add sugar."

If it weren't for Jacob earnestly warning her not to get anything wrong, Avery would have thought someone was deliberately tripping her up in the workplace.

This list of preferences was completely opposite to Jacob's actual habits.

Jacob took the notebook from her hands. "You don't need to worry about that."

His preferences were not meant to be figured out by anyone other than Avery. No one else knew his true likes and dislikes.

"You just need to follow the instructions."

The glow from the computer screen inside the car illuminated Jacob's face, making his facial features appear even colder.

Suddenly, she felt as if she had never truly understood the man she shared a bed with.

Jacob, in the workplace, was undoubtedly a stranger.

Avery nodded. "I will get used to it."

Frowning, Jacob looked at her serious little face. Was she really planning to become his secretary?

In just one day, she had undergone such a significant transformation.

Recently, due to their disappearance, Jacob had accumulated a large amount of work. Even when he went home, he was either attending video conferences or reading emails.

After taking a shower, Avery sat on the bed with her laptop. Fortunately, she was temporarily released from her constraints.

She quickly searched the internet, specifically looking at Jacob's schedule on the day of Martin's accident.

It was Jacob and Grace's birthday on that day, so there shouldn't have been any official engagements.


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