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Reclaiming the CEO's Heart novel Chapter 9

Chapter 9 Lost Love and Unbreakable Resolve

The car was very quiet, but Layla's voice was loud due to her anxiety. Avery clearly heard the words "Ethan."

She still remembered the day she received the pregnancy test report. Filled with hope, she rushed into Jacob's arms. "Jacob, you're going to be a father! We're going to have a baby! I've already thought of a name. If it's a girl, we'll call her Emma. If it's a boy, we'll call him Ethan. What do you think?"

She hoped she had heard wrong, but Jacob didn't dodge her gaze. He answered decisively, "His name is Ethan."

"You jerk!"

Avery raised her hand and slapped him. This time, he didn't dodge and let her hit him squarely.

"You actually let her name the child after our planned name!"

The child was Avery's last defense. Her tears shattered like pearls. Madly, she pounced on him. "You devil. Why did God take away our baby's life? Why isn't it you who died?"

In her loss of reason, Avery fiercely pounded Jacob. "He doesn't deserve to have this name!"

Jacob grabbed her hands and instructed Jason, "Go to Willowbrook."

Avery's emotions grew even more agitated. "We're almost at the Civil Hall. If you want to leave, you'll have to get a divorce first."

"The child has a high fever that won't go down. I must go right away."

Avery angrily said, "My dad is still in the hospital, unconscious. The debt-collecting nurse has forced me not to even enter the hospital. Your child's life is valuable, but my dad's life isn't?"

Mentioning Martin, Jacob's face overflowed with coldness. "Martin is worthy to be compared to Ethan?"

Avery, furious, once again intended to rush over and slap him hard, but her hands were firmly restrained. Jacob roared, "Have you caused enough trouble?"

Avery looked at the front of the car as it turned. The Civil Hall was just around the bend.

To prevent her from resisting again, the man imprisoned her tightly in his embrace. The embrace she once cherished now became a prison that confined her.

His strength was formidable. She was too weak to break free, so she could only seethe with impotent rage. "Do you love Layla that much?"

Jacob seemed somewhat distracted. Holding Avery, he only now realized that this girl was much thinner than before. Compared to a year ago, she was like a completely different person. Even through her clothes, he felt that this girl seemed almost angular.

The delicate flower he once held in his hand was withering day by day. Was this really what he wanted?

As he had just raised this questioning thought, the image of a pitiful female corpse appeared in his mind. His hand on Avery's waist tightened bit by bit.

When he raised his head again, the tenderness in his eyes vanished, leaving only endless coldness.

"Avery, if you make a scene one more time, do you believe I'll have someone remove Martin's oxygen tube right now?"

Avery tightly gripped his shirt with both hands, her tears soaking his shirt.

Clearly, he had vowed not to let her shed tears, yet all her tears now were brought by him.

The air in the car was so silent that it felt suffocating. She calmed down and pushed his body away, sitting up straight.

Avery took a deep breath and spoke, "You can go see your son; that's your right. But you can't disrupt our original plan because of your affairs. You don't have to worry that I'll cling to you and refuse to let go. This marriage is as good as over, even if you don't want to divorce me. I don't have the habit of picking up garbage."


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