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Rejected By My Mate novel Chapter 1

[Alexandria’s POV]

Tomorrow, I’ll turn eighteen, and I have a feeling something big is going to happen. I sighed as I scrubbed the floor, and beads of sweat dripped from my face. I can hear the laughter coming from the dining area where my pack dined together except me. Because I am an omega, the most unfortunate and weakest of the pack. They thought I was an omega because I didn't show any qualities of a werewolf. Unbeknownst to everyone, I can shift ever since I was little, but I am different from everyone else because werewolves can only shift at age eighteen, so I hid my wolf. My parents taught me how to hide my wolf form and powerful aura when I was little before they passed away.

My parents died when I was six years old. Then someone took over the pack when my Alpha father died. The new Alpha threw me into the barn and I lived as an omega. However, being an omega was tough because my job was to obey everyone’s commands. Since then, I trained myself every night on the far side of the woods, where no one would notice my presence. But tomorrow, I will find my mate so that I can get out of this hellhole. And I can’t wait for that!

I was also bullied because of the color of my eyes. It has two distinct colors—on my left eye; it is blue with golden flecks, while my right eye is green with golden flecks too. This made me different from all the werewolves. I didn’t even know why I have this eye color. But I think it’s pretty, just like my wolf.

‘That’s right!’ My wolf, Xandra, chimed in and I giggled.

When I finished scrubbing the floor, I went to the back of the packhouse where my house was—the barn. For years, I was sleeping here together with some cattle and my only best friend Layla. I took out some clean clothes in the old broken cabinet and then ran off towards the lake to take a night bath. I scan the place to make sure no one would see me, then I put my clean clothes on the rock. When I’m a hundred percent sure no one was around, I took off my dirty clothes and swam towards the cold water. I feel refreshed.

After three minutes, a familiar scent filled the air. I turned around and saw my best friend Layla. I smiled at her and she smiled back. I turned my back when she’s stripping off her clothes. Later on, I feel her getting into the water.

“I’m so tired!” she mumbled and swam closer towards me.

“Yeah, I feel you,” I said and sighed.

“Yeah, but anyway, we will turn eighteen tomorrow and I don’t think we could find our mate. Why would we have to be an omega? This sucks!” she said, groaning in frustration.

I frowned. I remember an omega couldn’t find its mates because they were too weak. Little did Layla know, tomorrow or onwards I could find my mate, but I couldn’t tell her yet because I'm sure she’d hate me for keeping secrets from her. I am supposed to be an Alpha of this pack, but I hid my wolf. It was my parent’s wish when they were on the verge of dying. Everyone couldn’t find out I could shift and have glowing eyes. I'm sure they will kill me in front of everyone, for they will see me like a beast. I sighed at how my life turned out as an omega of the pack.

“Why are you content being an omega, Alex?” she asked, with eyebrows furrowed. I let out a sigh and said, “There’s nothing wrong with being an omega, Layla. And having a mate is just torture for us because, for sure, our mate will abandon us if they will find out we are an omega. Also, omega couldn’t have a mate and I’m fine with that.” But it’s all a lie. I think about it my entire life because only my mate could save me from this hellhole.

“You’re right. We should accept our fate,” she said, while sighing helplessly.

I felt so bad for Layla, though. Her body is too weak and I think she couldn’t shift tomorrow because her wolf hasn't awakened yet. I just hope she can shift tomorrow.


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