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Rejected By My Mate novel Chapter 29

The beast continued to hiss at us and we were all on high alert. Sabrina, Azrael and I didn't move. We are observing the beast moves. He could trick us if we will let our guard down. Layla's life is in jeopardy and we need to find a way to distract the beast.

I mindlink Layla, 'Layla, please don't move. Just close your eyes, I promise I will get you there.'

'O-Okay, Alex. Please make it fast, I am so scared!' she said back in a shaky tone.

I sighed and released a deep breath that I didn't know I was holding. Slowly, I walked one step at a time while staring at the beast. It hissed while its frilled neck flap wide open as if ready to attack us. I gulped and took one step again. My heart rate increases in anticipation and because of nervousness, my eyes glow brightly but this time I was surprised when there's also a tinge of silvery red flecks in both of my eyes.

Now, I think my eye color is getting weirder mixed. The beast stared at my eyes and we were staring intently, not breaking eye contact.

'Get, Layla!' I mindlink Sabrina.

In just a second, Sabrina ran towards Layla and the beast immediately hisses loudly and was about to attack them but I quickly ran like a flash towards Sabrina and Layla. Before the beast could touch us, I teleported us away from the beast.

Not wasting time, I quickly came back in front of the beast only to find Azrael transformed into his wolf form. It's the second time that I have seen his wolf and he's beautiful; his fur is a mix of black and white color with a tinge of silver. It's a rare kind of color.

The beast is attacking Azrael and I quickly intervene in the fight. I threw a fireball to the beast and its shrill almost stung my ears. It quickly attacked me but I managed to avoid his saliva. I saw the saliva let out a smoke when it hit the ground. Oh crap, its saliva is like an acid, it could burn us.

"Azrael! Be careful of it's saliva! It can burn our skin!" I yelled and he growled in response.

The beast hissed and let out a huge amount of saliva but I swiftly avoided it. I concentrated on my power, I formed my hands into a circle motion while waiting for the power to come out. I can feel my power flowed down from my veins into my palm. Twisting it, an ample amount of electricity ball came out in both of my palms. I panicked when I couldn't control the electricity ball, it's getting bigger and bigger. My breathing became heavy and I saw the beast about to throw me its saliva again.

'Alex!' I heard Azrael's panic voice in my head.

I saw him run faster towards the beast but my eyes widened when the beast snake tails hit Azrael and he flew away while hitting some trees. Rage filled my heart and my eyes glow brightly like it was on fire. Before the beast's saliva could hit me, I was able to release the huge electricity ball in my hands and teleported in its back. Its shrill voice echoed throughout the forest when it was electrocuted with my electricity ball.

Summoning my scythe that was on my neck; the moment it made contact in my right hand, I screamed in full force and I sliced the beast into halves.

The red mixed with green blood scattered into the ground. Some was spilled into my body and face. I was still holding my scythe while breathing heavily. I killed the beast. I wiped the blood in my face feeling gross.

I gulped when the beast cutted bodies slowly forming back together again like it didn't cut into halves.

What the h*ll?

It hissed when they formed back again. Its gaze was so intense while looking at me angrily. I groaned when I didn't anticipate its move and its tail was able to hit me, causing me to slam into the trees. I groaned in pain when my back hit the ground. I quickly avoided its tails when I saw its attack.

Why didn't it die when I cut it into halves?

I groaned and let my eyes glow brightly again. I was still breathing heavily and I felt my back quickly healed. I was able to move swiftly again. Smirking, I ran like a flash towards the beast and it wasn't anticipating my attack too, causing him to shrill in pain when I threw him a fireball mixed with electricity.

I saw Sabrina got into her position while pointing her bow and arrow to the beast. Letting out a smirk, I ran faster towards the beast and distracted it. The beast was constantly throwing me his saliva but I managed to avoid it all.

I jump higher into the top of a big rock while my scythe in my right hand. Sabrina continuously releases her arrow towards the beast aiming its eyes. A grin plastered in my lips when I saw the beast's heart in its forehead.

My jaw drops when the beast throws its saliva towards the arrow and it quickly melts. Oh crap. Sabrina gasped while eyes widened in shock.

"Sabrina! Hit its forehead! That's the beast heart!" I yelled while jumping from the rock and ran like a flash distracting again the beast.

As I anticipated, the beast's attention was onto me again while trying to hit me with its saliva that was like acid. My pace became faster while throwing some fireballs towards the beast. The beast letting out a shrill voice again. It was very loud and high pitched that stung my ears. Perks of having a clear hearing.

Sabrina still releases an arrow towards the beast while aiming the forehead now. Surprisingly, the beast noticed that Sabrina was trying to hit its forehead and now the beast is attacking Sabrina.

On the other side, I heard the growling of wolves. My forehead creased when I saw the wolves but what caught my attention was the white wolf beside Azrael.

Sabrina's loud cursing got back on my trance. I quickly summoned my bow and arrow that was burning with fire. Making my pace faster, I shot the beast tail when it's about to attack the two wolves. I pinned its tail into the tree causing it to hisses loudly in rage and let out a shrill voice. Its frilled neck flapped loudly like the wings of a bird while releasing an ample amount of saliva towards my direction. I quickly avoided it and released my arrow quickly making me grin widely when it hit its one eye.

Its shrill voice echoed again loudly, making us cover our ears and groan. Then I heard a rattling sound of wings. When I looked up, I saw Darius staring furiously while flying swiftly towards the beast and breathing fire directly into the beast's face. A very loud and high pitched voice echoed again but my ears were already immune to the sound. While it was still distracted by Darius' constant attack, I got on my two knees and aimed my arrow straight into the beast's forehead where its heart is.

I stood up as I saw the beast stopped moving and slammed loudly into the ground lifeless, causing the ground to shake continuously but it stopped after how many minutes. I loosened my grip into my bow while still panting for air. My hands immediately covered my eyes when the beast's body suddenly shined so bright that almost blinded me. I gasped as I felt a sudden burning sensation in my left wrists. I uncovered my eyes when the light subsided and I quickly took a look into my wrists where it burns seconds ago.

A gasp left my mouth when there's another tattoo on my wrists again. Now, I have three tattoos on my wrists which confused the hell out of me. Why is that everytime I killed a beast it became a tattoo?

"Alex! It's gone!" Sabrina said in relief while walking towards me. The two wolves also approached me. I stared at the white wolf and gasped when its eyes were familiar. Though the wolf has a hazel brown eye color, I can tell who it was. It's Layla…

My eyes widened at the realization.

"Layla!" I uttered in shock. She can shift! Oh my god!


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