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Rejected Mate and Following Fate novel Chapter 109

My energy blows out like an explosion and takes everything in its wake with it. Uncontrolled due to my sheer fear, mounting hysteria, and suddenly time ceases to cling on in the slow mo. Wooosh, the clock restarts and everything in my wake is thrown wide like the after implosion of a nuclear bomb.

Sierra, Radar, the bullet and Juan are all catapulted away from me with force. Flying into a chaotic crash landing of limp bodies against the far wall behind the bed, taking a pillar and the canopy with it, in a crashing chorus of thuds and growls. It’s a monumental fallout from something that I didn’t mean to deliver so viciously.

I have no idea where the bullet has landed or if I manage to set it off course and I scramble forward to unravel Sierra from the mess of bedding and debris around her, shielded by the hunched over wolf form of Radar. Even in freefall eh somehow managed to cling to her and protect her as they went down.

I sense Juan pulling himself up, slightly dazed, from my left, against the wall and throw another energy ball of anger his way that throws him another few feet towards his subordinates. Concentrated despisal in a specially wrapped package just for him and the crunch of his bones as he collides with a dresser gives me some deep satisfaction.

“Stay over there and don’t try that again! Next time I will throw you out the window!” I snap at him, appeased with the ashen look of disbelief and pain etched on his face as his nearest minion helps pull him to his feet. His body already beginning to heal and confirm this room is protected from the weapon against his own people out there. I don’t think he expected my reaction or my ability as he has never really seen what I can do since I left the Manor many moons ago. I turn away form him in disgust, more than confident he’s too startled for a repeat right now.

“Sierra, are you okay? Radar, what about you?” I scurry towards them, Carmen on my rear as the Luna’s guard move with us and form a shield in a semi-circle while facing all eyes on the other wolves in the room. I get to the two huddled figures as a groan is let out and Radar seems to roll to his side, revealing a completely unharmed Sierra in human form as she pulls herself up into my awaiting arms. I give her a brief hug, the relief sweeping through my body like a wave of warm euphoria.

“Now, now, Juan, what kind of cowardly attempt was that? A gun? Silver bullets? Really…. Oh, how the mighty have fallen. Are you that desperate to win, even if you die with her?” Leyanne mocks him from her position where she was already, unmoved and unphased and then smirks at the pathetic figure as he finds his feet to face her. Despite all the mess around us, she is like a statue of perfect posture in the midst and only brushes herself down to rid the falling dust form her black attire.

Radar draws my attention with another groan, this time a whimper in its core, and the sudden scent of blood pulls my eyes to him in alarm. The unmistakable scent of our own kind.

“Radar?!?!” Sierra must smell it too and is faster than me to click on what’s wrong. Pushing me aside so she can move to him and throws herself on the ground to kneel beside him as he returns to human. His shoulder is covered in red oozing stickiness as it pours from a fresh wound and starts dripping on the floor at an awful rate. Now that he’s a fraction of the size as a person, the amount of blood is alarming and clear as day on human skin. Dark and oozing as his skin pales out.

“Oh my god….. the bullet hit you?” Sierra wails, and hauls him to a sitting position, eyes scanning his body for more damage and then focuses back on his shoulder as tears prickle up in her eyes. I shudder in shock and follow suit to dive down beside him, pulling his body against me too and examine the bullet wound in despair. I can’t see it inside as it’s deep, but there is already swelling with a faint blue tinge from a combo of the two properties on earth which can harm us.

“The bullet was silver, and I can smell wolfsbane, we need to get it out or he won’t heal.” I command at my Rema, needing her to help me so I can lay him down and find something to get the shrapnel out.

“Move…. Worse than not healing, he can die…you know it’s a lethal combo and doesn’t take long to become irreversible. I’m sure Radar knows that more than most.” Leyanne is quick beside us, taking her eyes off Juan who is no longer my main concern. Radar closes his eyes, his expression becoming calm even in pain, and oddly still, and I wonder if he’s reminiscing about the scar to his face and his near death from this same poison in the war back then. My heart aches for him that of all the wolves, he’s the one to experience this again.

“That was the point!” Juan cackles out loud, sounding demented and not like the Alpha I once trembled before. I think he really has lost his mind and his sole purpose in luring us up here to this space was to kill his own son even if all four of us died with him. He knows he’s defeated and that was his last straw. He can’t win against the army of vampires nor can he take down the fractured pack on our side, so he chose the cowards end of vengeance and suicide to feel like he won. He really has fallen from grace and given up on any future.

It pulls my focus for a second as I flicker round to glance his way and the room erupts in seconds before I have a chance to blink at him. The minions who seemed lifeless and subservient spring up, almost as though they have been waiting, and fly at my guards. Juan turns in a flash to huge and fierce wolf before lunging straight towards us and the glow of many amber eyes in the dark are only outshone by the show of white teeth gnashing our way.


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