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Rejected Mate and Following Fate novel Chapter 110

A cold wave takes over my body and once again time seems to slow at an unnatural pace as I take in all that surrounds me. Radar in the corner, being held down by Leyanne as she tries to remove the metal in his body that can kill him while he’s reaching out, trying to get up. The desperation in his eye as the love of his life takes on her enemy but the toxin is already removing any strength he has left. He’s powerless to do anything in his state.

I turn my head as the collision of wolf on wolf among the guards and Juan’s own continues in bloody chaos, tearing at one another and throwing claws and punches as they grapple and roll around me. Noise and debris clouding the air and yet I am rooted to my spot.

In the midst of it all, Sierra stands nose to nose on hind legs, raising her smaller frame to what was once our formidable alpha and the I am fixated on the two joined bodies as they grip onto one another, eyes locked in fierce battle, claws submerged into each other’s bodies. The tension and sheer malice between them reverberates in the air like a vibrating frequency and I can taste the venom. Sierra pulls herself up to meet him closer to his sheer size and I can tell she has no intention of backing down or making this easy on him. Juan seemed amused that in his last hours of his life, it’s his once weak mate who chooses to target him.

I cry out as Sierra makes the first move, throwing herself with all her might into him, thrusting claws and fangs at his body so she knocks him back from his stance and while unsteady she has the upper hand. She withdraws one bloodied set of claws, pulling form ripping flesh, swipes straight for his face and catches him across the muzzle in a piercing grip. I blink and almost miss the sudden speed as my senses return and the clock spins forward.

Juan fights back, holding no punches even against a femme and hauls her from his body as he attempts to lift her into the air for a body swipe. With his strength, speed and skill in battle I know Sierra is leading a futile battle against an opponent she will never beat. She was never a match for him, and now in this fast-paced moment, I know I only have one option to pull them apart safely. She won’t stop any other way and radar won’t quit fighting the witch unless Sierra is removed. I know there’s only one thing I can do that will help her even the odds and bring much needed back up and space to fight this out properly.

A thought suddenly hits me that this was the only reason I was here at all, that these gifts were for this moment when I cannot physically jump in and defend her. I am all but useless, save my ability to thrust my pack around. Watching in agony as Sierra and Juan slash at one another, snap and grapple and she slowly loses in every move he makes.

I pull my palms together as his talons aim straight for her heart and throat while gripping her by the scruff of the neck, knowing this fight between them has no bounds and neither will stop until one dies. They both know that it’s the end for them whoever wins, and I can’t let this happen. Sierra has to be saved at all costs.

Colton, please be close. Your mother needs you at the manor. Now!

I send the link out as I close my eyes, shutting the free flow of tears into the darkness with me and put all of my energy into my palms. I pray for precision and enough gusto to send them flying. Pushing my love, anger, betrayal, loyalty…desire to save Sierra into the one thing I can do for her.

“I’m sorry….. don’t be mad!” I utter towards her as I open my eyes and release with a forward thrust, all that I can muster at the two bodies, caked in blood and hatred. I sent them with a visible pulse of energy, thrusting them both forward with a violent assault, right through the balcony windows far behind them. Smashing glass as two dark furred shapes are blown like they were hit with a torpedo straight out of the top floor balcony of the manor, and I cross my fingers and hope to god they heal quickly before the frequency has any kind of effect.

“Sierra!!” Radar growls in agony as he clutches out at the disappearing figures and Leyanne has to use all her might to slam him back down and continue whatever she’s doing. I squeeze my eyes shut, pray Colton heard me and push towards the window to see where they landed. It’s nothing but darkness and shimmering shards of glass in the eerie night.

The smashing open of the double layered solid doors also lets the sound in that was previously held at bay and Juan’s minions all retreat in panic as they realize I have opened up the elements and they will now suffer the same fate as the rest of the wolves around us. Their weapon will be used on them in the same way they have used it on the pack and their gifts will suffer soon enough. I have faith in Carmen down there trying to stop it, but for now, I can even feel the slow effect at this high height where the sound is closer and louder. It makes my skin goosebump and all my hairs stand on end.

A scuffle of claws and scrapes of shoved furniture see them abandoning my guards mid fight and they run as fast as they can. They exit via the main door and take off at speed, some of the pack following while two go to radar’s side to help.

“Stay with him… I need to go out there and find Sierra” I throw my command and turn to head after the rest, but radar’s voice hits me hard.

“No you don’t! Stay fucking here. This is all going to shit. For once do as I tell you or else Colton will have my soul.” His hoarse and angry words pierce me guiltily, I can taste his pain as he struggles to sit up and Leyanne leans back with a satisfied snort.


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