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Rejecting Your Rejection novel Chapter 36

'You don't expect me to welcome some bitch with open arms. Especially when she was the one who hurt you, brother.'

Once they reach the packhouse Dante saw his sister stretching out in the living room with another female. The same sister who left them years ago, the one he called for advice. He never told her about his situation but someone else might.

When their parents died Zoe their older sister was like their mother, but being an Alpha was never her interest she wanted to travel the world. Therefore once he reaches a mature age she left him the pack and went on her own way.

"Oh, how's my dashing brother" she walks up to him then gave him a big hug. Holding him tightly then move to sit back on the couch. "Oh moon goddess, it's been a such long time" she smiles ahead with glee.

"Oh I have good news for you and also like for you to meet someone" she claps her hands in excitement.

"Why are you here Zoe? Did something happen?" he asks her.

Dante was happy to see his sister back as they were very close to one another when he was young. She knows all about the ins and out even the rejection which disappointed her but somehow she never left his brother's side.

She may have not have been here in person but few phone call exchanges and gifts were enough to fill the void. Zoe always supports him and Cora in everything they do.

Nervously she grins at him "I want you to know that I'm getting married soon"

"Wow!! That's great, I mean finally, you're settling down. My big bad sister is getting married" he hugs her again.

"So where is he?"

"Umm Shawn is busy on his business trip but he'll drop by soon and oh gosh I almost forgot. I would like you to meet Mia" she gesture for the girl on the other side.

Dante reaches out his hand for Mia who shyly smiles at him. Dante thought this is now or never. He breathes in, he has to tell his sister about Daniella and him already mating.


"What the hell is she doing here?" Zoe stood up storming to where Daniella is standing but Dante held back her arm.

"We're mated," she nods her head in disapproval

"no, get her out... I mean get the fuck out of this pack and on our land... Get Out" she shouted at Daniella. "I don't give a fuck if she's your mate."


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