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Rejecting Your Rejection novel Chapter 49

"No wise man ever thought that a traitor should be trusted." -Marcus Tullius Cicero-

When rogues attack, the two territories of the Crimson Pack was ready for them. Even though it was a last-minute call since his Mate was able to get the message through their mind links to him and Daniella wasn't sure which pack the Alpha was from.

Dante knew he couldn't call any Alpha for help rather defend themselves on their own. So he visits Alexis alone in the cell. He opens it to see her sitting there in the middle meditating.

"You finally came Dante" she gazes up at him not moving.

"Don't think I'll just do the loving Alpha to you. So you better answer my question when I ask you to." Alexis remains quiet she knew not to push his buttons.

"Tell me who and which pack?" she lower her gaze "sorry Alpha but I cannot say his names out loud or his pack's name. The moment I do he'll know" he looks at her with confusion "I am already branded as his."

She sat there and Dante for a moment pity her for not having a happy life. "But I can identify some of his traitors in this pack" she smile.

"How do I know you're not lying"

"don't trust me Dante but hear their name and you'll know it's the truth."

So she began to name them, Dante finds it hard that 10 of his pack members are traitors and 4 of them are his well-trained warriors. She also told him to watch out for their northern border.

"If you're telling the truth after the war I may grant your freedom but lie to me and I'll always come back from my grave to haunt you."

He left afterward summoning Jem, Cameron, Lawrence, and Kyle changing their plans last minute. The traitors were not led into the plan where they won't be attacked in full force but will be divided into two forces.

Kyle and Lawrence their Gamma will lead the other team with the 600 of them in numbers altogether taking on the original plan. Jem, him, and Cameron will take the last team consist of 1000 warriors while the other 500 were left behind to guard the women and children all locked up in the safe house.

Dante informed all of his team on the traitors in order to watch out and never to slip anything up. After discussing their plans, he turns to Jem’s brother "Kyle may I have a word with you" Dante excuses Cameron, Jem, and Lawrence from his office leaving only the two of them alone.

"I know you're my sister's mate and I know you love Clara but I ask of you to break up the bond completely with Zoe as much as I hate it but I can't let my sister suffer like that while you love another."

Kyle didn’t speak he just listens in


"sorry Alpha but can't do that" Dante threw his desk aside "damn you Kyle" he growls "you can't do that to her."

More Traitors 1

More Traitors 2


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