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Rejecting Your Rejection novel Chapter 48

"Infidelity does not come from a lack of love. It comes from a lack of respect."

Daniella sneaks up on the door after Kiev and Ina left her room. Opening her senses to try and detect any movement outside of the door she heard nothing. Then she tries to follow the scent of the two through the passageway. She couldn't believe how big this house could get.

She stops in front of a large door she opens it up stealthily not even breaking any sound. She heard voices raise she follow through it and stops in front of another door she heard arguments from inside.

Peeking through the hole using her werewolf sight as it was stronger. There she saw Ina and Kiev standing in front of a man blocking him from her view.

"I'm sorry but I cannot grant you to leave" she heard him saying and somehow she kind of knew that voice but couldn't remember where she heard it from.

"You see Kiev if only we're not bound by blood I would let you go"

"What do you mean?" he threw his fist at him which Kiev fell on the floor and Ina move to help him up.

"I can't let another heir live peacefully, there's only one and that's me" Kiev shook his body in fear.

"Please I don't know what you're talking about, just let us go I won't stand in your way"

"that's the problem you won't but if people knows I'll be damned. Tsk Tsk your so call aunt Evelyn should have told you"

"What do you mean?"

"Kiev we are the fruits of our parent’s infidelity. My real father is the Beta and your father is the Alpha. The only thing connecting us both is our prissy stupid good for nothing sister who's rotting in the cell."

Kiev shook his head "no you're lying" and he threw the papers in front of him.

Kiev reaches then read through it he looks shocked for a moment "no this is not real" the man hidden behind the mask laugh "not real, of course, us is not real as we're both illegitimate, except for the bitch downstairs."

This made Kiev launches at the masked man who was not fazed by his attack. He laughs at him, even more, when he easily punches him then threw him off the ground.

He moves towards him taking out his silver blade. He plunges it into his heart instead of Kiev Ina was stabbed by the silver blade. Kiev screaming for his Mate who now lay limp on the ground. He turns to fought him but easily the masked man held him by the neck choking him up.

"There's more to our story than what to tell, you're not the first sibling I kill after today" he laughs evilly. "Our younger brother Shawn I drown him in the tub when he's just a mere infant blaming it on the luna, who was biologically my mother" he lowers his voices.

"Then she got executed poor whore" he smiles "That wasn't all, time flew by I target Alexis whom you foolishly claim as your own ruining our chance to defeat Dante. Then the Alpha rogue and when I lure his Mate in I kill them off. As for Dante well he's already under my spell. His Mate is now mine and sooner everything he owns will be mine"

Infidelity 1

Infidelity 2


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