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Rejecting Your Rejection novel Chapter 7

She was staring at a blank space in front of her, last night was another hectic. Dante was being cruel to her with his words. She wants him to want her. Yet his words were more painful than anything she ever encounters in her life.

It's like he enjoys killing her from the inside.

Daniella was so lost in her thoughts and wishes that she fail to notice Kiev who says hi to her or even her visitors.


She glances aside to find her boss narrowing his deadly eyes at her.

"table 10, is waiting"

"sorry boss for zoning out I promise you it won't ever happen again"

Rapidly she grabbed the pen and the notepad from the counter and moves to go. She tries to fix her apron on her way. His scent overwhelming her, she froze in her step, slowly turning up to find him and Carla at table 10.

Groaning with an irritation she tries to put on a big fake smile

"Good day Alpha may I take your order please" she tries to keep it professional and be cool in front of them. Dante on the other hand was unfazed by her presence

"umm I'll have stake please make it well done," Carla says putting down the menu.

"Ella" she almost shouted due to her surprise

"You're working here?"

"yes I do"

"Wow, umm how's Cam?" she asks, Daniella furrows her brows.

"Well Cam and Laura are fine with the kids" Carla bit her lip "that's good" she smiles.

"Alpha" Daniella turn to Dante

"the best of this restaurant" he didn't even take a look at the menu, Daniella smile "coming right up Alpha. Carla, please enjoy"

She didn't need to think of the menu she knew what was the best, in taste even though it's the highest in the prize. So she chose her favorite food in the restaurant even though she only had it once as it was expensive.

Lucky for her Kiev was kind enough to treat her to it on her birthday. She quickly scribbles it down and passes it in the kitchen labeling it Alpha Dante.

Five minutes the food was ready, the chef and Kiev serve it.

She watches from behind the counter, both chefs bow their head and head back to the kitchen. She watches him caressing Carla's cheek then letting her taste his food before taking a scoop of it.

'They look good together' her wolf Anya whimper and she sighed feeling a little bit of jealousy.


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