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Resurrecting the Genius Within (Calypso Rain) novel Chapter 486

Resurrecting the Genius Within

Chapter 486 Mission Started 

In order to kill Isabelle, the Dark Shadow Chief went to great lengths

Isabelle was flying a chopper

Heading towards a private island in the sea


+5 Pearls 

As the coordinates approached, the private island gradually emerged, a mere speck in the vast ocean

Lush forests, like pearls on the sea, have a magnificent castle standing among them, enticing one to explore its enchanting beauty

No matter from which direction you look, this island and the castle within it are both beautiful and mysterious

But what seemed like paradise to those who didn’t know was actually a reallife hell for those who did

Isabelle arrived within the time frame given by the Dark Shadows

Looking down from high above, there wasn’t a soul in sight on the island, like it was totally abandoned. But truth be told, the whole darn island was under the Dark Shadowscontrol

The castle, in particular, stood like an impenetrable fortress

Isabelle hopped off the chopper and strolled towards the castle, hidden amidst the trees

Meanwhile, on the flip side of the globe, the Ziegler brothers, quick on their feet, had already hit up Kangaview and met with their men

Jim also landed smoothly in Delhiara and gathered with his crew

Even though Night had a thousand reasons to refuse, he had to cooperate and rush to Nigerlore to save those poor lives

On the island, Isabelle moved like she owned the place

There is no need for directions. She strutted right up to the castle gates and sauntered in

Inside the castle, everything screamed luxury, with a fancy chair right up front like a throne

Isabelle wasn’t greeted with weapons, but with a bloody figure

The castle was dead quiet, except for the faint gasps of the bloodied guy hanging by a rope

He struggled to open his eyes, and when he saw Isabelle, he managed a weak smile. Even that slight movement seemed immensely difficult, as if he would breathe his last breath any second

It was a guy

But he wasn’t Zack


544 + 20 

1 Coins = 1 Pearls 


Chapter $55 Mission Started 

and now he’s fallen into Flowing Shadow’s hands

You can bet he’s been through hell these past couple of days

The Dark Shadows Chief’s voice echoed through the empty castle, but he was nowhere to be seenjust his voice 

Nice to meet you for the first time. Here’s a little gift to show goodwill” 

The echo bounced around the castle and then faded away slowly

Then, light footsteps echoed… 

Suddenly, a bunch of Dark Shadow assassins popped up in front of Isabelle, surrounding her

In Nigerlore

Yves clenched his fist tightly around a watch, watching the hands move slowly. His patience was wearing thin rapidly

He kept pushing down the urge to let his men jump the gun, gritting his teeth until the very last second

Yves slammed shut the watch. Blow it.” 

One of his men reminded him, Aren’t we supposed to be rescuing people? If we go in guns blazing and there are hostages inside, we might hurt them” 

Yves’s temper flared up. Didn’t I tell you to blow it? What do I care about their sorry lives!” 

While Yves was known for his mood swings, he rarely lost it like this. Even when he mad before, it wasn’t as scary as now

His men were startled and didn’t dare to say more. They just got moving right away, blasting the place regardless of whether Eleanor, Layla, or Jack were inside

Meanwhile, the Ziegler brothers, Jim and George, responsible for Lanovia, all kicked off their rescue missions

Only Yves, indifferent to the fate of the hostages, went straight for the explosion

As soon as the blast went off, Yves left, not even stepping out of the car the whole time

Nobody knew if there were hostages inside the warehouse, but even after the blast, not a single Dark Shadow’s man was in sight, which was pretty much expected

The Dark Shadow Chief just wanted to force George and the rest away from Isabelle, leaving her to deal with things alone

So, as long as Yves and his crew played along and showed up, they wouldn’t be in any danger, and the Dark Shadow wouldn’t bother tangling with them

To divert Yves and his crew, the Dark Shadow even abandoned four bases



1 Coins 


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