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Resurrecting the Genius Within (Calypso Rain) novel Chapter 487

Chapter 487 Fight in the Castle 

+5 Pearls 

Walking through long and quiet corridors, the two proceeded cautiously. Moon Shadow observed Isabelle, who seemed to know this place like the back of her hand, sparking his curiosity once more

If they could make it out alive, he was determined to find out the answers

After walking for over ten minutes, their path was once again blocked by several assassins, whose strength was clearly superior to the dozen or so encountered in the entrance hall carlier

Moon Shadow wanted to help, but found himself powerless

Luckily, for Isabelle, killing these guys was just a matter of time

Isabelle swiftly took out those attackers, leaving no one standing

Then she kept moving forward. She wasn’t just wandering around this huge castle like a lost puppy. It seemed like she knew exactly where Joker was, with a clear target and a straight path

As they went, they ran into wave after wave of assassins

Clearly, Joker didn’t plan on killing her directly but wanted to drain her energy with these constant attacks

Otherwise, he could’ve just used guns. There were plenty of ways to kill her when Isabelle first arrived on the island or even when she entered this area

A regular body couldn’t handle gunfire

Two figures silently appeared from both sides

This time, blocking their path were two other assassins with the codename Shadow.Besides Moon Shadow and Flowing Shadow, they were the last ones standing, at least in their opinion

When the boss first said you’d betrayed the Dark Shadow, I didn’t believe it,Sword Shadow said, holding a longsword that glinted with cold light as he glanced at Isabelle

Sword Shadow continued, All because of her? Can’t believe assassins can catch feelings.” 

Moon Shadow said, You want to stick around and wait to have your genes sucked out to make clones, then get killed by them?” 

Hearing that, Sword Shadow and Green Shadow exchanged a puzzled look, clearly not getting what Moon Shadow was talking about

Moon Shadow said, I’ve seen it myself, clones of Storm Shadow, and even Blood Shadow.Moon Shadow’s face softened as he mentioned Blood Shadow, clearly unable to come to terms with her death

It wasn’t a mission failure. After they sucked out her genes, they mercilessly wiped out Blood Shadow. That massive explosion down in Brookhaven that took out Blood Shadow was all the doing of the Dark Shadow we’ve been loyal to.” 

Seeing Sword Shadow and Green Shadow doubting his words

Moon Shadow took a couple of steps forward and told the two, If you come with us, we’ll find out whether 


Chapter 487 Fight in the Castle

Sword Shadow pointed his longsword and said sternly, You’re not getting through.” 

+5 Pearls 

Seeing this, Moon Shadow didn’t bother wasting more words with them. He turned to Isabelle and said, You go ahead. Leave this to me. Save some energy.” 

Sword Shadow femarked, With you looking like that, you think you can stop us?” 

Moon Shadow took a risk. I want to stay alive, so I’ll give it everything I’ve got.” He wasn’t really helping Isabelle. He was trying to save himself

Isabelle glanced at him, not hesitating much, then confidently stepped back and left through another 


Green Shadow took a step, ready to chase, but Moon Shadow blocked him with a quick move. Take me down first, then you can go after her. It won’t be too late.” 

Green Shadow glanced at Moon Shadow, who looked roughed up and was breathing hard

After all we’ve been through, you can’t grant me this one favour?” 

As Isabelle ran off into the mazelike castle, she heard the sounds of a scuffle behind her

Navigating through the maze of corridors, Isabelle eventually circled back to the original path. Her steps were so light that they were almost silent

The castle’s dome loomed high above, making Isabelle seem tin, comparison

At the end of the corridor, there was a huge oil painting

The painting had an eerie vibe with all its intricate details, like a wideopen abyss. That was the entrance to the underground castle

And standing guard, there were Clubs

The two met in the narrow passage

Here we are again,” Clubs said, looking at Isabelle with a wicked grin, the hatred in his eyes reaching its peak

His weapon was ready to strike

Through clenched teeth, he spat out, You burned down my incubation chamber, wiped out my clones, and ruined years of my hard work. I’ve been dreaming of killing you all this time.” 

Without waiting for her to reach Joker, Clubs couldn’t wait to settle the score with her first


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