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Resurrection novel Chapter 30

We ran at full speed ready to knock her off the ground but before we could touch her a blue light came my way making my wolf paralysed with a terrorising shock.

Hell it felt like needles were piercing my skin while I laid motionless on the ground...my wolf refused to give up and give me back control.

We are in this together and he has the right to try and bring his mate back

I could feel pain again

The paralysis effect was worning out and I could feel blood seeping out of new wounds

My mouth tasted the metallic taste of blood and this made my wolf rise back on his paws again

We needed a plan

If we cannot touch her directly we need to first distract her

"You are the thunder wolf who is referred to in our pages of history..your tales of bravery used to inspire us but I guess we all were wrong...you are nothing like the wolf we worshipped and adored.."

I started moving towards her without breaking eye contact

"Tell me Ezra..why are you doing this..you were and are a saviour not a monster..please use the power given to you by moon goddess wisely...don't break her trust atleast..."

She froze like my words affected her

I took this as a golden chance and striked at her ...she being unguarded failed to dodge me and my wolf slammed into her and next we know both of us were rolling down the hill

While she tried to push my heavy form ..my wolf continued to bite her wherever he could...

Finally the slope ended and she laid under my wolf..

Her eyes shining in the moonlight and her face displaying many scratches with silvery liquid flowing out of them.

It was time to play my ace

One bite into her neck and all this chaos will end

I was ready to give my last shot with full strength

But I committed a blunder

A blunder of looking into her eyes

Not the grey ones but my Ezra's innocent blue ones were looking back at me

My actions halted and I froze


I asked and the reply left me broken

"X ..a.vier.. ... I..... wa..nt u  ...t.o   ..leave...please....go!!"

She started pushing me and I changed into my human form

"No Ezra..you will have to control her....I am not leaving without you..."

She shook her head in a no and endless tears flowed out of her eyes

"Pl...easeee....I can't...."

I held her face in my hands and looked straight into her teary defeated eyes

"No Ezra you have to!! Dammit you can't leave me!! Please Ezra just try....I can't live without you ...please..just please try!!"

Chapter 30.5 1

Chapter 30.5 2

Chapter 30.5 3


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