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Right Person, Wrong Time novel Chapter 1491

Chapter 1491 Nervous

Wendy rushed into the kitchen, her face aflame with embarrassment.

Her hands, cold and clammy, were pressed tightly against her burning cheeks, a futile attempt to soothe her shyness.

"Miss Wendy?"

The servant standing nearby was puzzled, unsure of why Wendy had suddenly burst into the room with such a flustered expression.

Only then did Wendy remember that there were others in the kitchen. She quickly stammered, "Um, is the lunch box I requested ready? I need to deliver it to my brother."

On the surface, she maintained her composure, but internally, she was at a loss on how to face the servants.

She had only thought of escaping from Beryl, completely forgetting about the presence of others in the kitchen. The situation was mortifying.

Seeing her discomfort, the servant quickly handed Wendy the bag next to her. "Here, Miss Wendy. Everything's ready."

Wendy nodded, accepted the bag with a serious expression, and hastily exited the kitchen.

Yes, this was in line with her character. If she hadn't reacted so swiftly, wouldn't her reputation have been tarnished?

That was absolutely unthinkable.

"What's on your mind?"

Before Wendy could gather her thoughts, Beryl suddenly appeared before her, his voice laced with concern.

He noticed the blush on Wendy's face and her evasive gaze, which worried him. After all, Wendy only exhibited such behavior when she had done something wrong.

Had she accidentally caused a disaster in the kitchen?

That couldn't be possible, as he hadn't heard any commotion. How could she have wreaked havoc in the kitchen?

Beryl dismissed the thought, focusing his attention back on Wendy, awaiting her response.

"What? Nothing. What time is it?"

As Wendy came to her senses, she quickly put some distance between herself and Beryl. She glanced at the clock and feigned surprise.

"Oh, it's already this late. We need to hurry, or my brother might go hungry."

Without waiting for Beryl's response, Wendy dashed toward the door with the bag, quickly changed her shoes, and waited for Beryl to accompany her.

Seeing this, Beryl finally understood why Wendy had blushed earlier. It seemed that his princess was feeling shy.

"Beryl, hurry up! If you dawdle any longer, I'll leave without you!"

Wendy, who was already at the door, saw that Beryl hadn't moved yet and urged him on. However, her face didn't show any signs of impatience.

Beryl smiled at Wendy and quickly walked to her.

Chapter 1491 1


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