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Royalty Gone Bad novel Chapter 60

Asahd’s POV:

The next morning, I got up with a smile on my face.

′I’ll be back home after tomorrow! Yes!′

I was so happy. That was so close! I couldn’t wait to be back in Zagreh.


After showering and dressing up, I left my room and joined the others for breakfast.

“I see how happy you are,” Djafar mused and I smiled.

“I am so happy. One more day to go for real,” I chuckled, still unable to realise the sweet fact.

“We’re all happy to return. I’m glad this is all over now,” he replied.

“Yes, yes.”

We happily had our breakfast and it was time for me to go quit.

“Lemme come with you. I have nothing to do,” Saïda proposed.

“Of course, darling. Let’s go.”

She rushed to get her purse while I hugged Djafar goodbye and grabbed my keys. Saïda joined me later and we left the apartment.


She was slightly in front of me while we walked down the corridor. I playfully wrapped her from behind and carried her off the floor, making her laugh.

“We’ll finally leave this place, Saïda,” I chuckled and she laughed again.

“I know right. I’m so happy. I miss my friends.”

“I miss my parents and life! Finally,” I put her down and squatted. “Need a lift?” I joked and she giggled.

“With pleasure,” she happily climbed onto my back and I carried her all the way till we reached the front of the building. We got into my car and drove off.


I left the boss’s office after quitting. I joined the others who were on break. Saïda was sitting and chatting with some of them.

“You did it?” Derrick asked when they saw me.

“Yup. I’m gonna miss you guys. For real,” I told them with a smile.

“Gonna miss you too,” they all replied, smiling back.

“I can’t believe you’re going back to your country already. I really thought you would stay,” Elsa said.

“I’ve achieved what I wanted to and it’s time for me to go back. I definitely won’t forget any of you.”

“We won’t forget you either,” Britt said and I smiled a little at her.

“Too bad. I was really hoping for something to happen between us,” Jenna mused and we laughed. She always spoke her mind.

“I guess we’ll never know,” I mused. I turned to Ally who was in a corner, smiling.

“I’m really going to miss you, Ally. We’ll stay in contact please, if you don’t mind.”

“I don’t mind, Asahd,” she smiled a little and I could still tell she was a little sad. That wasn’t the last goodbye of course. I had intentions of meeting she, Derrick and Alex, privately the next day.

We spoke for a few more minutes and I hugged each of them goodbye. When I got to Alex, Derrick and Allison, I whispered the same thing to each of them:

“Tomorrow, during your break, let’s meet at the old railway. I have to tell you guys something important.”

They all nodded and we eventually parted. Saïda and I told the others our last goodbyes and left the restaurant. I would actually miss the place.


Wednesday morning, I woke up with a smile again. A few more hours to go. I felt great.


As usual, we had breakfast all together.

“What are we going to do about this apartment, Djafar? And the things we bought here?” I asked.

“I was thinking we could donate it to that orphanage you always go to. They’ll be needing the beds, the heaters, microwave, sheets and all the rest.”

“That’s a great idea. But how will we move all this?”

“Don’t worry. I contacted a moving agency. They’ll be here soon. They’re the best and real fast. We’ll empty this place.”

“Yeah. And what the orphanage doesn’t need, we’ll send them to charity homes,” Saïda added.

“Perfect. But where will we sleep tonight?”

“Hotel. I’ve already booked three rooms in one. The place is close to the airport.”

“Alriiiighht,” I said happily and they laughed. I’d forgotten what it was like to sleep in an expensive hotel again.


By the time we finished eating, the moving van was already there. In an hour or so, we were done packing everything out. Those guys were very fast indeed.

“Are you going to give your clothes out?” Djafar asked.

“No. I kinda like them. They’re very comfortable,” I mused and he chuckled.



After we were done, while Saïda and Djafar went down to the hotel where we were supposed to stay till the next day, with our personal belongings, I drove to the orphanage with the van following me.

When we got there, I gave them all I had to and they were very happy about it. I hugged almost all the kids one last time.

“I’ll miss you, noodles,” Lucy had said with her pretty smile.

“I’ll miss you even more my darling. And if ever I come back, I’ll look for you. If you’ve already been adopted by then, which I’m sure you would, I’ll still look for you.”

I hugged her tight. She was just so precious and I prayed for nothing but the best for her.



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