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Royalty Gone Bad novel Chapter 61

Writer’s POV:

That night, after having dinner altogether in Djafar’s suite, Saïda and Asahd wished him a good night and returned to theirs.


"We missed you my darling. Can’t wait to see you again,” the Queen told her son over the phone.

“I missed you very much too, mother. And I still do. I’m so happy I’ll be back with you and my father real soon,” Asahd smiled. “I have a lot to discuss with you. I’m so glad.”

"We are too, over here. I’ll ask that your best meals be made for your arrival tomorrow.”

“Thank you very much. I’ll be needing them,” he chuckled. “I’ve lost so much weight momma.”

"Oh no, don’t tell me that.”

“For real. I can almost see my ribs.” Asahd mused. No matter how old he was, he remained his mother’s baby.

"God forbid. You’ll be all plumpy once you return. I’ll make sure that happens,” she mused.

“You’re the best,” he smiled to himself. “I love you, mother.”

The Queen was silent for a short while. Those were words that Asahd had not said to her or his father in a long while.

“I love you too, my dear. Very much.”

Asahd felt warm on the inside, like some other weight had been removed from his shoulders. He thought of only one thing, going back and apologising to his parents face to face, for all the harm he’d caused them. He regretted his past behaviour and wanted to cherish his parents more for as long as they lived.



Saïda had just spoken with her closest friends back in Zagreh. They were all already happy and excited for her return. She too was very happy to be reuniting with them. She’d missed Zagreh so much.

Right after, she called her ‘boyfriend’, Noure, to let him know. She’d kept the secret from him so far.

"Hello, my love?”

“Hey darling. How are you?” she asked, smiling to herself.

"I’m fine, dear. And even better now that I’m speaking with you.”

“Aaaw.” she giggled. “Guess what.”


“I’ll be arriving Zagreh tomorrow.” she said happily.

"What?? Saïda, are you serious??”

“Yes!” she laughed.

"Yalah! This is amazing! Finally, my darling. I can’t wait to finally see you again. I missed you!”

“I missed you too.”

"Well, I better start preparing to pay your dowry. I’ve already bought some things.”

“D– dowry?” Saïda frowned a bit.

"Yes. I have to give them to your family, the day I engage you. Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten tradition already.” he mused.

“No I haven’t. That’s great.”

"I know right! Soon we’ll be married. Wonderful. I can’t wait to have you for myself and only myself. Have you carry my name so every one knows that you’re forever taken.”

“Wow...” was all Saïda replied. For some reason she ignored, Noure’s sentence had scared her a little. “I can’t wait too– um. I have to sleep now, love. So I would be fit for tomorrow. Goodnight sweetheart.”

"Goodnight, dear. I love you.”

“Love you too,” she ended and hung up.

She lay on her back and stared at the beautiful and expensive looking ceiling of her suite. It was a big room with everything one could ever ask for. Normal, it wasn’t a five star hotel for nothing.

She sat up and grabbed her purse. She opened it and pulled out a little picture of herself and Noure together. It was taken a few weeks before she and her father came to New York with Asahd. She looked so happy on it. She smiled at the little photograph and then:


She thought with a heavy chest. She thought of all that had happened between them for the past days and weeks.

′I should go and see him.′

She dropped the photograph and left her room. Luckily, they were on the same floor and so she just had to walk a few doors down the corridor.

Saïda’s POV:

I reached his door and before I could knock, it opened. He appeared on the other side, very surprised to see me. And then he smiled and I rubbed the goosebumps that had started to cover my arms.

“I was coming to see you,” he started.

“Guess we had the same idea. But I got here first,” I chuckled a little.

“Yeah,” he reached out and grabbed my hand. “Come in.”

He led me in and closed the door behind us. I went to sit on his bed and he joined me.

“I wanted to speak with you,” I started, feeling nervous and avoiding his beautiful eyes.

“Yes?” he replied lowly.

I cleared my throat and took a deep breath.

“We’re going back to Zagreh, Asahd. And there is no way what happened between us here, should repeat itself there,” I muttered, finally looking up at him.

He was silent for a short while.

“Why?” he finally asked, as casual as ever.

“Are you serious, Asahd?” I nervously rubbed my head, feeling my cheeks burn. “Because as I return, I’ll be with Noure. Preparations for our engagement will start and I don’t want what happened between us here, to continue there. I won’t let it because I owe Noure some respect. You understand?”

Asahd stared at me and I could’ve sworn that the look in his eyes was that of amusement. I hoped not. I needed him to take what I was saying, seriously.

“But what happened between us, Saïda?” he asked. “To me, what happened is something we can’t ignore anymore. Something we both don’t wanna forget.”

“I want to forget. And I can only do so if you stay away from me, once there. You understand?” I felt so frustrated. “Asahd, I don’t understand the sudden influence you have over me. I wish I wasn’t this weak around you. But unfortunately, I am. I admit it. I don’t know what’s happening to me. I try to fight it but immediately you touch me, I feel like all resistance in me is drained.”

I explained with hurt in my voice but to my surprise, he smiled a little, clearly amused.

“Asahd, it’s not funny. I need you to stay away from me, once there. Please.”

He stared, still amused.


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