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Savage Mates novel Chapter 29

Chapter Twenty Nine: Saved by the Bell 

“Yeah, it was so strange. Like if he wanted to end things between us, that was fine. I liked him, but I wasn’t in love with him.” I said, looking up at Ryan before my eyes flicked over to Travis. “But he called her his mate and was all formal about rejecting me. He used my full name.”

“Your ex was a shifter, too.” Travis said, brushing a lock of hair off my forehead.

I shook my head. “No, that’s where you’re wrong. Werewolves and shifters are not real.” I leaned back against the couch, looking between the two men.

“Baby, were as real as any other creature out there.” Ryan said, his fingers toying with mine like he couldn’t stop touching me.

“What other creatures are out there. No, don’t answer that. I’ve been drugged,” I said, shaking my head. “I’ve been seeing things that don’t make sense and l-”

“You what, sweets?” Travis asked, biting his lower lip. The flash of the metal look in his eyebrow caught the light and I frowned.

My face heated up and I thought about how I felt when I was dancing with them. How I had felt when they brought me up here, the things that I had let them do to me. The things that I wanted them to keep doing to me. So dirty, but I couldn’t get enough of it. “I’m not, I don’t do this kind of thing… Have wild sex with two men ljust met, or you know the two men thing.’

“So you think you were drugged because you’re horny?” Travis chuckled.

“Well, yeah. I mean, I don’t do this.”

Ryan brushed his thumb over the back of my hand and I looked down at him. “It’s the mate pull. You feel that way because you were made for us.”

“No,” I said, pulling my hands from his. His face fell and he looked like I had slapped him. My heart dropped and my eyes started to sting. They were wrong. Shifters weren’t real. Ryan and Travis had to be confused or playing some really messed up game with me. “I’m not y’all’s mate.”

‘Tillie, yes you are.” Ryan said, shifting closer to me so that he was on his knees. I could feel the heat coming from his body, seeping into my clothing. “Shifters search their whole lives looking for a mate and we were lucky enough to find you here.”

Letting out a huff of air, 1 dragged my hands over my face. “Well, how do we undo it?”

“We don’t,’ Travis growled, his tone was low and sent chills up my spine. “We would go feral without you.”

“Feral, what does that mean?” I bit my lower lip, feeling my eyes start to burn. I didn’t know if it was because I wathat tired or if it was because I was upset. This was just supposed to be a one night stand, not a forever kind of 


thing. “It means that we would be a danger to anyone around us. Our alpha would have to put us down to ensure the safety of our pack.” Ryan answered. He pushed himself to stand and I looked up at him. Watching him, there was something about him that I just liked and I didn’t understand it. I felt the same pull to both of them, even after sex. My heart felt funny at his words, the way that he said it and the haunting look in his eyes made me worry. Like he had seen it firsthand.

“That you’re stuck with us, sweets.” Travis moved closer to me, nuzzling his face into my hair. Ryan sat down on the other side of me, taking my hand into his. As Travis started placing gentle kisses up the side of my neck.


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