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Savage Mates novel Chapter 87

Chapter Eighty-Seven: I’m fine 

Jason dragged his thumbs over the lips of my pussy. Coating my sex in the slick, warm oil.

Thad to admit that his touch felt nice, more than nice, really. My body relaxed into the bed and I let out a pleasurable sigh as he stroked his fingers over me, spreading the oil in every little edge and fold. I spread my thighs further apart, giving him access to every part of me. My tongue moved over my lower lip and I bucked my hips into his touch.

His eyes moved up my body, stopping on my face. “You okay, kitten?”

“Yeah, it feels good. I don’t want you to stop.” I answered, feeling the need for him building up inside of me.

“That’s what I want to hear. Do you think you can handle penetration?” He asked, his fingertips press ing against my entrance. “If you can’t, it’s okay. I want you to enjoy this.

“I um, I think I would like to try.” I answered, what he was doing didn’t feel like it had last night. It felt good and I didn’t want him to stop. He was being so gentle with me and I wanted it to last.

It was like this moment was a balm to my soul after last night.

“I’ll go slow, Tillie. Remember, if it’s too much, just say warlock and I will stop.” He reminded me, work ing his finger inside of me with the barest of thrusts.

“I will, Jason.” | moaned as his finger caressed against my vaginal walls. His thumb pressed against my clit in slow circles.

“Good just lay back and let me take care of you.”

I nodded, closing my eyes. It was easy to give in to the feelings that he was making me feel and I moaned his name as the pleasure bloomed inside of me. It felt like we were connecting in a way that we hadn’t last night.

He added another finger and I fisted the sheets beneath my body. It felt so damn good, the way he was working me closer and closer to that blissful spot where I could just let go for him.

“Do you think you can handle the rose?” He asked, working his fingers in and out of my pussy.

“Yes.” | gasped out, feeling my lower belly tighten. It wouldn’t take much with that toy. I had come faster with it last night than I had ever come in my entire life. The way that Ryan had used it on me had felt like heaven. Pulling orgasm after orgasm from me until I felt like I would turn into a puddle.

Jason pulled his thumb away from my clit. The hand that he had rested on my mound moved over my hip. Grabbing the toy from beside me,

“You look so perfect like this, kitten. So beautiful with my fingers in your pussy. Do you know how much I’ve waited for someone just like you?” Jason said, his voice was rough yet there was a softness to it that tugged at my heart. “I’ve prayed to the goddess for you. I’ve hoped that you would come to me and you


He pressed the rose against my clit, turning it on and the soft buzz filled the room. His fingers stilled inside of me as he adjusted the speed to a low, pulsing vibration.

“Jason.” | moaned, my hips arching up into the contact. Everything in me went tight and I panted his name out like a prayer. It wasn’t too much, it was perfect.

My vaginal walls started to flutter around his fingers and his breathing became rougher. I could feel the need in him burning hot and bright through me. He wanted to be inside of me. “Please.”


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