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Scarred Alphas by Norisha May novel Chapter 4


Girl. Hey, girl.” 

My eyes open and my head lifts up with the immediate surge of pain in the back of my n*eck

This floor is uncomfortable



I look at the man next to my cell

What?I bark

The light is still dim but there is light now coming from the small barred windows on the top edge of the walls. Because of this, I can tell that it is 


The other man, the one that was lying down yesterday is now sitting with his back against the wall but facing in my direction. His scrutinizing eyes make me 

feel uncomfortable

The other man that speaks to mewho now I can see just a bit more- smiles

He has a nice smile for a grungylooking man and I can see a hint of blond hair under all that dirt and brown eyes

The other man who sits staring at me has dark hair but what stands out the most are his marble green eyes, the little amount of light hits just right

I can see scars on both men’s bodies. Deep scars. The ones that come from torture and silver weapons. Wounds made from those types of weapons on our kind leave scars. But the greeneyed man seems to have taken the brunt of it. He has a deep scar on his cheek and another over the eye but his eye seems to be intact. The other two men that are at the cell in front of them look just the same as they do. They all look to be in their twenties but older than me

I look away from the smiling man

Oh come on. We don’t bite,he says

I fight the urge to look back at him

Well, maybe a little.He chuckles. Hey, do you know of a way out of here?” 


Now I have to look at him. My eyes dart in his direction. My eyebrows knit and I squeeze my eyes, squinting

Is that a no? Or do you just don’t want to tell us? We are nice guys, promise.He puts up his hand and smiles

For a guy who is imprisoned and is probably going to get tortured and killed, he seems chipper. In fact, the four of them do not seem worried at all

The other two men in the other cell laugh but not the greeneyed man. His expression stays stoic and it seems to me that he hasn’t stopped staring at me

The smiling guy doesn’t stop talking. I’m Dash and by the way, that’s some pretty hair. Curly hair is so pretty and it looks great on you

If I am honest, I feel flattered. No one has ever complimented me. At least not that I remember

What’s your name?he asks

I look away and don’t answer

Curls it is

My eyes dash to him again. I open my mouth to complain but as my eyes then immediately dart to the greeneyed man, I close it back. He scares me but I can’t deny that I am intrigued by him in a way

We suddenly hear the echo of the dungeon door opening. The steps of someone walking our way carries through the hall

From the hall, a guard walks in with a lantern. He passes by the cells, counting

Threefivesix.He then turns when he reaches the last cell and walks over to 

mine. Come. Bathroom time.” 

I look at the old latrine toilet in the corner of my cell

Unless you want to use that right here in front of everyone?he says

No. I’ll come.I say. I get up as he opens the cell and follow him. He takes me to the hall where a doorway without a door leads to a small ugly bathroom. I go in as the guard stands in front of the door giving me his back

Hurry it up. I am only doing this as a favor to James.” 

I am so grateful to James right now


I do hate that the guard is still right in front of me but it is better than having all those men seeing me like this

I then remember that Niles is one of the guys who is sometimes assigned to the dungeon

I am definitely peeing myself if he is ever the one on duty cause I am not going anywhere with him

I do what I have to do and once I am done, the guard takes me back to my cell

I’ll only come to do this in the mornings. So you are going to have to hold it the rest of the day or go in that.He points to the toilet in the cell

Oh, I’ll hold it alright

Do we get princess privileges too?Dash asks.” 

The guard stares him down and if not for the bars in between them, I can see. that he would get a beating for that

Guess not,Dash mutters as the guard turns around and leaves

That mouth of yours is going to get you in real trouble.One of the other guys 


I look at the hall where the guard left

And that is the only and last time we see anyone else today

They’re going to starve us,one of the men from the other cells says

Shut up, Quinn,Dash snaps at him

It is already night and no one ever came to feed us

He’s not wrong.The rogue says. That’s what they do. They’ll starve you until you are on the brink of death. Maybe they’ll even torture you and once they are completely done with you, they’ll take you upstairs where they’ll display you.” 

My stomach hurts. They haven’t even given us water. But all this has not stopped. Dash from talking or rather trying to talk to me

So are you going to tell me what you did to get yourself thrown in here, Curls?He asks

I sigh because he doesn’t stop

I come to the conclusion that maybe answering him will make him stop talking


I punched the Alpha’s daughterI mutter

I am sure I would have gotten punished for that anyway but I know it is what I said that really hurt the Luna

He suddenly starts laughing. No way! You have balls.” 

I sigh again and lie on the ground, closing my eyes and ready to sleep. I feel very tired, hungry, and weak. Dash and the others continue talking until everyone finally falls asleep

When I wake up the next morning, my head hurts and my eyes are heavy

The day passes quickly and this time, Dash is not talking much. I take a glance and see him lying down with his arm on his eyes, resting. The greeneyed manto whom I still don’t know the nameis sitting just like the previous day just watching

Looking at the light that comes from the small windows, I sit up but I feel like I am about to faint

Lie back down.A husky baritone voice says. It took me a few seconds to realize that it was the greeneyed man

I look at him with a questioning expression

He speaks again. You are smaller than us. You need to conserve all the energy 

you can.” 

I look at Dash and I am sure that he tired himself out already. I realize now why the greeneyed man has been so quiet and still, this whole time unlike Dash and the others

I do as he says and suddenly my eyes open again and it is already dark outside. Everyone now seems to be sleeping but this is when I suddenly feel a stabbing pain in my heart. I hold my chest and whimper but I quickly put my hand over my mouth. My hands shake and I am just too weak to completely hide it however I do my best

I hear muffling sounds and realize that the greeneyed man is watching me. I quickly turn around, giving him my back, and hold in as much of the pain as


I hate him. I hate him so much

When I first found out that Ezra was my mate. I was scared and angry but also


hopeful. Deep inside I had hope that maybe it could be. I’d let the mate bond do what it does but after so much pain and humiliation, I have learned to hate him

As the pain now subsides, I close my eyes again, and now, I can’t seem to wake. up, even when the light of day hits my eyes. It takes all that I have to open them

Hey, how are you feeling?Dash asks with a weakened voice. He lies, staring in my direction

I feel ten times worse than yesterday and I am sure that it is all thanks to Ezra

I try to open my mouth to answer Dash but I can’t. All I can do is close my eyes. again

How long have I been here? Crap, maybe the Luna IS going to leave me here. forever

I hear shouting now. That handsome greeneyed man shouts and Dash also speaks but I can’t make out anything. Then, there is silence

Suddenly, a bright light hurts my eyes


A woman’s voice speaks my name.. 

I attempt to open my eyes and they feel less heavy now. I take in my view and realize that I am in the pack hospital and the woman who speaks to me is the 


There you are.Dr. Turner says. She looks relieved

Lauren and James are here too


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