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Scarred Alphas by Norisha May novel Chapter 42

Chapter 42 

And he is going to be fine, right?I ask the pack doctor 

as I watch Serge rest on the 

infirmary bed

Yes. He is going to be good as new in a few days.” 

I’m glad he’s okay. I don’t 

know him at all but he seems 

like an upstanding man

Plus, he got hurt protecting 

  1. me

I look at Serge as he lies on 

the bed. He is conscious and 

awake but he has his eyes 

closed, resting

Thank you. If not for youI sigh. Thank you.” 

I walk out, leaving him to rest, and clap at Victor

Alright! Let’s get to training!” 

It almost seems like you are 

going to take it seriously 

now.He says

I am. I need to learn how to 

fight. I am an Alpha but 

without training that means nothing.” 

He smiles, approving of my 


I spend the morning training and putting in all I have to it. Victor is working with me to grow my stamina first. It is exhausting but I know I need to do this

The early afternoon, I spend it with Garret closely paying 

attention to what he has to 

say. Midafternoon I spend it vexing my father

I told you! No killing! Or

am not doing it!” 

You are insufrable you brat!” 

I am not the brat! You are 

the one who is scared of 

change and is soooo DAMN 


I’M stubborn?” 


He looks at his Beta with 

wide eyes. This little” 

The beta seems like he 

doesn’t know how to react 

and honestly, he looks a bit 


Punch him.I say to Archie

the beta

Archie looks at me with 

shock. What?He asks

Aww damn it. I thought it 

would work.” 

You horrible girl! You were 

commanding him to punch 


Yeah, wellit didn’t work. But it will someday. And hey, that is all the motivation

need. No need to kill anyone 

cause that is not going to 

motivate me at all.” 

I have gotten way over my head here with you. I can’t handle you.” 

Welltoo late now.” 

You are really making me 

regret this shit.” 

I shrug and immediately ask him what is really on my mind. So, where is Colt?” 

I am not telling you.” 

He hid him from me after 

my little sizzling rendezvous with him and the fight with Ezra. It has been two days

Well if you don’t, I’ll still 

find him. And once I do, I am going to grab that dick and give it a good-He immediately interrupts me


away. We are done for today

You are draining my damn 


I laugh as I walk out

You really enjoyed that, didn’t you?Victor says. He was behind me watching everything since he has taken over Serge’s duties

You did too. Admit it.” 

He laughs. Yeah. He was out 

of his element. Never seen 

him like that.” 

As we walk downstairs, we pass by the space that has the sunroom. Lotus and Poppy are there sitting around a small table having tea


Hey, beautiful. Come sit 

with us.Lotus shouts across 

the room, patting the chair 

next to her

I walk over with Victor 


Here we have the girl that is causing all types of changes and commotion.Poppy says 

with a smile

I laugh with a little 


Well according to father, I am being a brat.I sit with 

them and join them in 


Poppy smiles. I have never 

seen him like this, you 


Like what?” 



She nods. It’s like he doesn’t 

know how to handle you

He’s always been very strict. Would punish any of us 

without giving it a second 

thought if we broke any 


That’s because after you’ve been punished, you obey 

him immediately and fall in 

line.I say. He is not going to get me with that. And look, I am not stupid. I know that there are punishments 

that he has done to others 

that areappalling. I get that 

at any moment he could choose to do something like that but I am definitely taking advantage of the fact 

that he needs me. He wants 

my power and that is why I am able to get away with so 

much. Because of his 

obsession with it.” 

You are wrong. He doesn’t suffer you because of your 

power. It is because of your 


mother.Poppy says

My mother?!” 

Yes. You are her daughter. The daughter of his one true love. He doesn’t love us. He 

cares very much for Lotus 

because she has been with 

him the longest after your 

mother but he doesn’t love 


Heloved her?” 

Very much.Lotus nods

Then why did she run from 


Don’t get it wrong, she loved 


him as much as he loved her

But she loved you the most. She was scared of the place 

that he had created. This 

place. She didn’t want you to grow up knowing such 

cruelty. She begged him to stop it all. To let his 

ambitions go. But he couldn’t. Without warning

she found a way out

Unfortunately, it caused her 

death. He became even more 

cruel after her death.” 

Poppy nods. Yeah. After she 

died, that’s when all this hell really started.” 

But he doesn’t hurt you two

does he?I ask

No. He has never hurt us 

like that.” 

I nod. And SkyeJasmin? What happened to her? I saw her with a bag the other day.” 

Oh, she got kicked out of 

the main house. She is no longer a bride and was taken 

to the pack house.” 

And she has been quiet all 

this time now?” 

Yeah, surprisingly. She got 

knocked down from that 

pedestal she put herself in.” 

Oh! Well. It was her own 


Yes butjust be careful.” 


Well, now that she has been 

removed as one of Warrick’s 

brides, she might just try to 


back to AlexisI mean 


You think so?” 

Could be a possibility.” 

Then she’s going to have to go through mebutwhat 

ifwhat if Colt wants her 

back?Stop it! Cass! Don’t be 

stupid! This man loves you

And he is mine! I marked 


I take my mind away from those thoughts. Anyway, neither of you would know where Colt is being held, would you?” 

They both shake their heads

I sigh. Okay, thanks for the chat. See you guys later.” 

I walk out thinking that I am going to have to try and find him myself. I have been trying to feel him, I should 

feel him now but it is not 

strong enough

Suddenly I spot Garret

With a mischievous smile,

walk up to him


He looks at me, stopping the 

conversation he had with 

another pack member


Where is Colt?” 

Oh no! No! Don’t!” 

Don’t what?” 

Don’t ask me.” 


You know why!” 

No, I don’t.” 

You are going to use your 

power on me.” 

Well, I won’t if you just tell 


He opens his mouth but 

quickly closes it. Then he 

closes his eyes and shakes his 


Come on little brother. You 

can tell me.I say in a sweet 


Little-He closes his eyes 

and sighs. The cells 

downstairs. Now let me be.” 

He says

I turn to Victor. Oh? This 

house has cells?” 


Lead me to them.” 

Victor leans to the side and 

looks at Garret who is 

behind me

Garret shakes his head

Don’t look at me. She is 

your problem.” 

Victor sighs and then 

without hesitating, he leads

me to the cells, leaving an 

irritated Garret behind

He takes me to a door in the 

back that seems to be a bit 

hidden at the end of one of 

the halls

We open it and go down a flight of stairs and 

immediately there are cells 

on each side of the walls. But 

they are all empty

Where is he?” 

Hemust have been 

moved?Victor says

Moved? Are you sure that is 

it?I panic

Victor looks at me but he 

can’t really reassure me

I run up the stairs like

demon ready to cause some 


I barge into Warrick’s office

Where is he?!I shout

Everyone looks at 

me…including Colt who 

stands in front of Warrick’s 


Ohthere you areI feel just a bit embarrassed but I was ready to raise some real 

demons out of hell

You really have no manners

do you?Warrick asks


I look at Colt and see that he 

has no cuffs

We are having an important conversation,Warrick says

I nod. Okay.” 

A private one.He adds

OhI see.I say as I look 

down at my pants and pat 

them to clean them

You are not leaving, are 

you?He asks

I give him a big smile


He takes in a deep breath looking exasperated

He will no longer be treated as a prisoner. He will be your responsibility now.Warrick 

looks at Colt. And she will 

be yours. Victor has other 

responsibilities so you are to protect her from now on.” 

Colt nods. I will. Always.” 

I trust that you want to be with her more than you want 

to return to your pack.” 

Colt nods agian. Yes. If she stays, I stay. I’ll follow her 



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