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Scarred Alphas by Norisha May novel Chapter 51

Chapter 51 

Before Colt can get too far 

away, I grab his arm and pull 

him inside. Without 

warning, I crash my l*ps onto 


May I remind you, Sir, that you are the one who was 

insistent on doing this how my father wants us to do it.” 

I know. Butit is harder 

than I thought it was going 

to be.” 

I know.I hug him

When I see himthinking 

that he can have youit 

pisses me off.” 

I rub his back and he starts to 

relax. My lovecan you do this? Because I don’t want 

you to suffer. I don’t want to 

cause you pain.” 

There is a pause and then I hear a long sigh. YesI can 

do it.” 

I chuckle. Can you do it without trying to rip Alpha Oliver apart?” 

He sighs again. Yes.” 

I pull away and look into his eyes. Okay. But if it is ever 

too much for you, then f**k 

  1. it. We stop it. You might not 

be able to mark me but we 

can out ourselves.” 

He smiles then leans in and kisses my head. I love you.” 

He looks relieved now

ColtI love you more than anyone in this world. You were the light in my 

darkness. Made me feel hope 

again. So please, know that 

there will never be anyone 

else for me. You are the only 

one I want.” 

He heavily exhales. I guess

can go now.” 

Hmh?I am confused

I can sleep good now thinking of the words you just said to me.” 

I grin but before I can say it, 

he beats me to it

Not cheezzy!” 

I laugh

He gives me a quick kiss and 

walks towards the door

Sleep well!I tell him

OhI won’t. Not without 



I smile as I watch him leave

I am sure That I also won’t 

be able to sleep without him

It is a bit earlier than usual 

but without Colt, I am so bored so I decide to go to sleep. Especially since I haven’t been sleeping well lately

You must still want me if 

you keep coming to see me.” 

Huh?I am confused by 

these words

Ezra smiles down at me.

am back in the white room 

but this time, this time I can’t 

move. I lie on the sofa 

looking at Ezra’s stupid face 

staring down at me with his stupid smile

My brother must not be satisfying you properly.As 

he says this, he takes my hand and moves it to his l*ps

I can feel the warmth of his 

breath and I am taken aback 

again at how real this all 


HmhmaybeI’ll take you 

back if you beg me.” 

Why do I keep dreaming of you?I ask. Talking and moving my l*ps is all I seem 

to be able to do

So you do want me.” 

No. I will never want you.” 

I close my eyes realising that my obsessive hatred for him 

is what is making me dream 

of him so much. It has to be 

that. what else could it be

Suddenly I feel the warmth 

of his hand on my neck but 

before I can react, I am 

startled awake by knocks on my door

Light comes through the 

window. It is already 


I f**king hate these dreams. No, nightmares, they are nightmares

Another abrupt knock makes me get to my feet and rush to the door. When I open it, Alpha Oliver stands there next to Serge who guards my 


Good morning my lady.He says in his British enticing accent. Would you do me the honors of having 

breakfast with me?” 

I am caught by surprise so for a few seconds I just stare 

at him


Marvelous.He looks at my 

clothes and smiles. I’ll wait.” 

I slowly nod and close the 


Usually, I wake up happy and feeling relaxed but not today. And I know why. When

wake up every morning, the first things I am greeted with are Colt’s eyes and his smile, his deep morning voice saying good morningto me, and his morning kiss

But not today and


When I finally snap out of 

my stupor, I quickly get ready and head out even 

though the only urge I have 

is to see Colt

Oliver leads me downstairs 

outside where there is

small table in a small garden area. There is food already waiting for us

He pulls a chair for me and 

after I sit, he sits in front of 

  1. me

What a beautiful day it is.He says with a smile

I slowly nod. Yeah.” 

I know I sound very 

awkward and that is not 

good. I force myself to be 

more social

Sowhy did you come here 

to settle?I ask him

He starts speaking about his family but I can tell that he is being just a bit vague about 

  1. it. The whole conversation 

ends up being about when he a already arrived here

For some reason, he steers away from anything to do with his past and family which I find very suspicious

I am relieved when it ends 

and I start my day with 

training. Warrick wants me to keep my daily routine and for the next three days, I do

But Victor has really cranked up my training. He beats the hell out of me though that 

doesn’t bother me as much 

since I am able to take 

beatings pretty well, keeping up with him has been

challenge however, his 

methods work. Slowly I have 

been able to fight back and 

keep a good pace. I also am getting less fatigued which comes to another type of 

training he incorporated

running. He makes me run 

laps now. At first, I hated it but now I understand why 

he does it. Endurance. It is

bit easier to keep up with 

him now

As for Colt, I have seen him secretly many times and he is doing much better in keeping his jealousy under wraps. Mostly because

show him how much I want 

him whenever we secretly 


I now run past the river 

where I can see the house in 

the distance and Victor 

waiting for me but suddenly I spot something strange. At 

the side of the house where 

the small garden stands, I see Colt with Skye. This makes me slow down to a sprint

Whatthe hell?” 

He had told me that she had 

apologized to him but he didn’t tell me that he was 

talking to her again

Catching my breath, I stop

She says something to him and he smiles. My blood suddenly boils

By no means do they look 

like they are flirting, in fact, Colt is a few feet away from 

her with his arms crossed 

and his body language tells 

me he is a little 

uncomfortable but still, his smile seemed genuine

Without giving it a second 

thought, I stomp all the way 

to them

What is so funny?I ask 

with a fake smile

They both look at me 


Ohnothing,Skye says

Hmhthen why are you 

talking to him?I am blunt 

and I don’t hide anything

Colt takes a step back and 

stands next to me which 

makes me want to smile but 

at the moment, I don’t

Good mate… 

He stays quiet and lets me assert my claim over him

meaning that I am letting 

her know that he is mine

behavior typical in us

Why can’t I talk to him? We 

are not doing anything 

wrong. Are you that 

insecure?She asks

Do you really want to go there?I take a step towards 


I have no wish to fight you.She says. “There is no reason 

for that. But also, whether you like it or not, he and I share a lot of history together, and though I know 

where I stand in all of this 

and I know what I did,

speak with him out of the friendship that we once sharedShe slowly shakes her head. things can’t be 

forgotten that easily.” 

I don’t know what her game 

is and although she doesn’t seem agitated, she does seem 

defiantand I don’t like it

Well, I can always make you,I say looking straight into her eyes. I can make you forget it allhell, I can make you do whatever


Her mouth opens but she 

quickly closes it. She stares at me now with fear. She looks 

at Colt and then back at me 

before she turns and walks 


I feel pure satisfaction and

can’t hide it

I look at Colt to find him 

staring at me. His expression is completely unreadable 

and it is almost scary


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