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Scarred Alphas by Norisha May novel Chapter 56

Chapter 56 

Who?!I panic

I can only assume it is Ezra attacking.Oliver says

He gets up and starts to 

calmly take his suit off

Warriors start running 

towards the forest and 

everyone comes out of the 


Casseopea, get in the 

house!Warrick says

The house? But-” 

Do it!” 

But no! I’m fighting too!” 

Can you fight? Have you 

trained enough to be in 



If you can’t answer that quickly, then it is a no. Hide 

in the house. Serge, take her 


But if this is Ezra, I need to 

be here. I’m the one who is 

going to-” 

If it is him, trust me, he 

won’t be killed on the spot

I’ll make sure to bring him to you beforehand.” 

I point a finger at him. You 


Get out of my sight! Go 

inside!He shouts at me

My eyes dart to Oliver who 

stares back at me. He nods as 

Father says this. Let us 

handle it.” 

Even though I feel like I should be out here helping, I do as they say and head inside. On my way in, I bump into Colt

Cass! Come on!He takes 

me inside to the war room 

where there are a few people

Some of the general’s families like Julia, also Dash

Miles, Bryn, and the brides are here

Some of the people slide the 

shutters on the windows

closing and blocking them

Colt cups my face. Stay 

here. You’ll be safe.He kisses 

my head and starts to sprint 


Wait! Are you fighting?!” 

Yes. Stay here. You’ll be 



He disappears out of the 

room ignoring my 


Serge and Dash close the 

doors and stand in defensive 

positions along with a few 

other warriors

Don’t worry, Curls, he’ll be 


Can you be a hundred percent sure about that?” 

This is the Dark Fang Pack 

and he has trained like one

Yes, I am very sure.” 

Lotus walks behind me and 

places her hands on my 

shoulder. It’s protocol, my dear. This room specifically 

has reinforced doors and 

windows. It is used for 

meetings but it is intended as a protective shelter, same for the pack house. The children 

there should be in the 

reinforced cellar right now.” 

So we just stay here and wait?” 

She nods. I know. It is 

horrible having to wait and 

not be able to do something 

out there but if we can’t 

protect ourselves then we 

will just be getting in the 


I understand what she is 

saying but I hate it. I don’t like waiting like this

I look around and see that 

everyoneexcept for Miles and Brynare relaxed

Why is everyone so calm?” 

We don’t experience many attacks but as Dash said, we 

are the Dark Fang pack. We 

won’t be easily taken down. Our packs consist of many Alphas, not something 

common in most packs.” 

Yeah, why is that? Why is it 

that this pack has so many Alphas?” 

Lotus starts to explain. Well

many years agobefore Alpha Warrick was Alpha- his father went on a rampage attacking other packs. He would decimate the packs but bring in prisoners, those of high blood like Betas and Alphas. This is why the 

northern territories are 

barren of packs. The packs 

that remain are the ones who 

united and fought back 

together. The Alpha was 

killed as a result and Alpha Warrickhis sontook over

He saw the danger in 

continuing as his father was doing so he retreated and 

called a ceasefire that has 

been in place till now though as you know, our Alpha has schemed and plotted secretly and slowly taken a few packs.She looks towards the door. I have a feeling that this is going to change now.‘” 

I’ve heard stories 

aboutWarrick’s father.” 

She nods. Your 


Yes, I guess.” 

His name was Amos. He was 

a monster. And if you are 

thinking that Warrick is just 

like him, you are mistaken. Alpha Amos was ruthless 

even to his own children and 


Still sounds like Warrick to 


She slowly shakes her head. You really know nothing. Alpha Warrick was not an only child and he was also not the only one with his gift. He had an older sister but also a younger brother 

who had the same gift

When his brother got his wolf and showed signs of his gift, Amos pined them together and told them to 

kill each other. That there 

could only be one with the gift. Obviously, Warrick won. Then a few years later

Warrick was forced to kill his 

sister too as a punishment 

for defying him. The 


motherwas driven to 

madness by Amos and she plunged herself down a cliff.” 

I stay quiet, taking it all in

It is rumored that she loved 

flowers and this is why 

Warrick named us with 

flower names.” 

Oh wow, it suddenly makes sense though it is still weird

Poppy nods. My 

motherwho still 

livestalks about this all the 

time and how it was to live 

under Alpha Amos rule. She 

was terrified.” 

I guessit makes sense why Warrick is the way he is.


Lotus closes her eyes. My 

poor love. He has so many 

scarsjust like you do. These were all done by his own 

father. He always tries to act tough but we have seen his 

vulnerable side.She 

motions to Poppy who nods

I do not feel sorry for him.

can’t. But I do understand 

why he is the way he is. It is a ruthless cycle

I look towards the door 

noticing that I haven’t been able to hear anything from 

outside since the doors 


It’s so quiet.” 

It is the room. With 

everything closed, you can’t hear anything outside of it.” 

After about thirty more minutes, the doors finally open and Warrick walks in

Everyone out. It is safe now.” 

What happened?!

immediately ask

It is over. We need the war 

room now to discuss our 

next move.” 


Stop your questions and 

wait.” He says. We are 

having a meeting now where we will discuss it all.” 

I wait trying to be patient but I am constantly wtching the door for Colt to appear. When he finally does, I let 

out a breath I didn’t even 

know I was holding. I want to run and hug him but I know I shouldn’t. Especially 

because Oliver walks in 

behind him too

Now?I ask Warrick

He nods. We won, as 


And Ezra? Was it really 


No. But it was most likely because of him.He now 

addresses the room filled 

with generals and pack warriors. The river packs 

attacked. Why? Don’t know 

yet but I’m about to find out

The perimeters are secure now and we managed to get our hands on a few prisoners before they retreated.” 

And is everyone alright? Did we lose people?I ask

No. Just a few injured. It was a halfass attack. A disrespect really. Who the hell do they 

think we are?! Didn’t even 

give us the courtesy of coming in full force!He says sounding angry. Beck, go 

get me some information from these prisoners. Victor, make sure security is tight 

tonight.He looks at Garret. Let’s go to my office and 

assess the situation. Join us Alpha Oliver. The rest of you, I want you here early morning sharp.” 

What about me?I ask him 

as everyone starts to walk 


Go rest. Come back in the 



There is nothing you can do 

right now. I don’t need you

Go rest.” 

I hate feeling useless but there is really nothing I can 

  1. do

I am not even tired,I mutter watching everyone 

  1. go

Yeah, me either.Miles says

I need a drink.Dash says 

and starts to head out while 

Miles and Bryn follow him

Only Colt and I stand in the 

room now. He closes the 

door once everyone is out 

and we hug each other

So everything Warrick said 

is true?” 

Yes. They barely gave any fight.He holds me close and 

sways as he caresses my 


Did you fight?” 

Just a couple of them. It was 

over fast.” 

Good. I am glad everything turned out good.” 

Me too.” 

Mhso, before they 


Yeah, yeah. That stupid 

dinner you had.” 

I smile. I told him about 


He pulls away and looks at me surpised. You did!?” 

I nod. I told him that you are more than just a friend to me, basically my lover. But 

that’s where I left it. I told 

him that Warrick doesn’t 

want us together which is part of the truth.” 

He nods with a smirk. So he 


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