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Scarred Alphas by Norisha May novel Chapter 69

Chapter 69 

-Colt’s POV- 

So they are ready for us?


Garret nods. “Yes. Our scouts 

have been captured. Oliver 

has the upper hand now.” 

Then what do we do?I am 

starting to feel helpless

We watch but prepare for an 


Sowe wait again.” 

It is all we can do.” 

Cass is out there and who 

knows what they are doing 

to her!” 

Victor puts a hand on my shoulder. I get it! I know

But this is the situation right 


She is strong. She can hold 


I know she is but It doesn’t 

matter. They can kill her at 

any moment! And what is 

even worse is that we don’t 

know where she is!” 

My men say she has not 

been seen in Oliver’s pack or 

Ezra’s. We don’t know where 

they have her.Beck says

That is what kills me the 


Ezra’s men have been seen 

moving too.Rodrick speaks. Something is up and we have to be careful especially now that all other packs are watching us after we took the river packs.” 

Garret nods.The Alphas of all other packsexcluding us, Ezra, and Oliverhad

meeting a day ago. I am assuming it was about our 

squabble but so far, they are 

waiting however, they are on edge. Anything could tip them over and join the fight against us.Garret ads

Victor nods, looking pensive. Send them a message. Tell 

them that this fight is between us, Oliver, and 

Ezra’s pack. If they don’t get 

involved, then there will be 

no issues with them.” 

We can do that but trust me

they won’t believe it.” 

Try it.” 

So again, we just wait?I ask

my frustration peacking

I have a team that is going to try and get some more information. So yes. For 


I am angry but I am also 

exausted. So this time, I let it 

  1. be. I have barely slept since Cass has been gone

When the meeting is over, I head to the place where

have been drowning my feelings, the bar room

As I walk through the halls

Julia suddenly pops up from 

one of the corners


JuliaI grunt

I made you something.She holds out a plate with

custard flan. Remember?

used to make them for you 

all the time especially when you were feeling down. You’ve been looking so sad lately and I just wanted you 

to feel better.” 

I nod but I am not sure if

should accept it

Listen, I justI just want you to be happy again. You 

have been so sad lately and I hate it.She says

Uhmthanks but-” 

If you don’t want it now, I’ll put it in a container for you and you can have it when you feel like it.She gives a big smile and all I can do is 


Julia!Rodricks’s voice resonates through the hall

Julia jumps and quickly turns around to face him

Enough. You are not 

supposed to be anywhere 

near him.” 


I give him a nod and go past them to avoid being sucked into the squabble

I finally make it to the bar 

room. It has been a bit more 

full of late. People have taken to drinking more in the last couple of days

spot Bryn with Miles. They 

don’t drink but this is where 

they usually hang out

Still can’t talk?I ask Bryn

She squints her eyes at me 

and mouths out. No.” 

That is the only relief I have

As long as my sister can’t 

talk, I know Cass is alive

I get a drink and sit with 

them. Miles reads a book 

while Bryn paints her nails. I just stare out of the window

Dash suddenly slaps my shoulder and sits next to me

Damn, you are tensed.” 

You think?I say with 


I’d give you a massage but you knowit would feel 

weird for both of us.” 

Yeah. Don’t. Thanks, but 


He laughs and then turns to 

Miles and Bryn. And what 

have you two creepers been 

up to?” 

Creepers?Miles asks

Yeah. You are twins. Twins 

are creepy.” 

No, we are not!Miles says 

and Bryn holds her hands up 

as an x

Are you serious?Dashs 

asks. Have you ever seen 

horror movies? Twins are 

always creepy in movies

There is that horror movie 

where those twin ghost girls 

stand in a hallway. And then 

there are those tweedle 

twins, it’s supposed to be

children’s movie but those 

two are creepy as f**k. Why is there always a need to say the same thing at the same time? Creepy 


Oh, how Cass would be 

laughing right now and probably agreeing. It makes 

me smile to think about her 

and how she would react

We stay here for a while

They do lift my spirit up


When they leave, I sit alone looking out of the window

I close my eyes. It is hard for me to think that she is gone. When I close my eyes

sometimes I feel like she is 

about to talk to me, walk into the room, or touch me, put her hands around me in

hug. But it doesn’t happen. am left there alone

A hand creeps up from the 

back of my shoulder

I immediately open my eyes and see Skye. I am sure that 

the disappointment on my 

face is noticeable

Hey, how are you holding up?She asks

II’m hanging in there.” 

She nods and sits next to me

I can’t believe Ezra has done 

all of this. His betrayal must be hard for you.” 

Ezrait is not him in 

particular that upsets me. It 

is what he has done. The 

lives that he has taken are 

what hurts. Not really him being the one that betrayed me. It is the people that he 

took away.” 

She puts her hand on my 

back and rubs it

I don’t know how to feel 

about that. I feel like I should 

move away butthe action does comfort me

She nods. I am sorry. I wish I could take the pain away.” 

There is no reason for her to 

say that

I shake my head. That is not why I am upset. At least not 

at the moment. I am upset 

because of Cass. She’s been 

taken. I don’t know if she is 

safe. Ineed her.” 

Do you reallyhave so 

much feelings for her? You 

almost act as if she was your 


Yes.I say with no 

hesitation. That is exactly 

how it feels.” 

Howhow did you two get 

so close?She asks

It’s a long story. I got captured by our own pack. I was imprisoned in the cells 

and she was there as well

She didn’t know who I was at 

the time and that helped me 

see her. She showed me who 

she really was. She wasn’t 

scared because I wasn’t Colt 

to her at that moment. I was 

a strangerthe enemy 

yetshe showed me 

compassion and truly cared.” 

I say all this remembering every single moment of it. Those little moments when 

she would look at me when

had barely spoken to her

She was scared of me but so 

curious. She looked past the 

scars and saw me. I knew

didn’t have to hide who I was 

with her. It was 

refreshingand now my Angel has been taken from 

  1. me

Damn them all! F**king Oliver is going to pay!My hand slaps the table

She stares at me and I can 

see all manners of questions 

wanting to come out

What is it?I ask

She shakes her head. It’s just 

that, you would have acted 

just like this for me once.” 

Do you really want to get 

into that now? Do you want 

me to give you the reason 

why things are the way they 


No. Don’t mind me. Just 

reminiscing. By the way

there is something I want to give you back.” 


Your mother’s ring. I still 

have it. It’s not fair. You 

should have it.She gets up

I’ll bring it by later.” 

You can keep it.I say going 

back to my drink

No. It doesn’t seem right.” 

I give her a nod. Fine.” 

I stay there another hour and then decide to try and get some sleep but I doubt 

I’ll find any. I had to take 

another room because Cass’s room smelled just like her and it was overwhelming.

won’t admit it to others but

found myself crying many times

I go past Cass’s room 

envisioning her walking out. Putting those thoughts away, the moment I enter my room, I go directly to the 

bathroom and take a hot 

shower. I finally come out feeling refreshed and with

towel on my lower half,

head to my drawers to get 

some clothes

No need for that.” 

What the f**k?!I turn to 

see Julia. She walks up to me and pulls my towel off

Her hand grabs me by the back of my neck and pulls 

me into a k*ss while her 

other hand grabs my cock and starts stroking

Three seconds are too long 

to react to her but I am so 

shocked that it takes me that 

long. I pull away, hitting the drawers and knocking everything on top of it

ColtShe whispers

STOP! I’ve had enough!

take her by the arm and I am not gentle as I drag her. I open the door and throw her 

out of the room. She 

stumbles and falls right in 

front of Skye who holds a ring box that I recognize

What the hell?She mutters 

as she looks at Julia and then at me and my naked body


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